Signature: (connectionString:string option) -> CloudQueue
Gets a handle to the Azure SDK client for this queue.
Signature: (connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Clears the queue of all messages.
Signature: (providedMessageId:ProvidedMessageId * connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Deletes an existing message.
Signature: visibilityTimeout:TimeSpan -> Async<ProvidedQueueMessage option>
Dequeues the next message using the default connection string and sets the visibility timeout (i.e. how long you can work with the message before it reappears in the queue)
Signature: (connectionString:string option * visibilityTimeout:TimeSpan option) -> Async<ProvidedQueueMessage option>
Dequeues the next message and optionally sets the visibility timeout (i.e. how long you can work with the message before it reappears in the queue)
Enqueue(content, connectionString)
Signature: (content:byte array * connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Enqueues a new message.
Enqueue(content, connectionString)
Signature: (content:string * connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Enqueues a new message.
Signature: (duration:TimeSpan * start:DateTime option * connectionString:string option * permissions:QueuePermission option) -> string
Generates a shared access signature, defaulting to start from now. Do not pass 'permissions' for full-access.
Signature: (connectionString:string option) -> int
Gets the queue length.
Signature: string
Gets the name of the queue.
CompiledName: get_Name
Signature: (messageId:ProvidedMessageId * contents:byte array * newTimeout:TimeSpan option * connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Updates the visibility and the binary contents of an existing message. If no timeout is provided, the update is immediately visible.
Signature: (messageId:ProvidedMessageId * contents:string * newTimeout:TimeSpan option * connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Updates the visibility and the string contents of an existing message. If no timeout is provided, the update is immediately visible.
Signature: (messageId:ProvidedMessageId * newTimeout:TimeSpan * connectionString:string option) -> Async<unit>
Updates the visibility of an existing message.