Contains connectors for F# Agents to Azure Service Bus Queues as either Workers or Actors.
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
SendToActorPool connection arg2 message
Signature: connection:CloudConnection -> ActorKey -> message:'a -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: 'a
Posts a message to a single actor.
SendToActorPoolBatch (...)
Signature: connection:CloudConnection -> ActorKey -> messages:seq<'a> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: 'a
Posts a collection of messages to a single actor.
SendToWorkerPool connection message
Signature: connection:CloudConnection -> message:'a -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: 'a
Posts a message to a pool of workers.
SendToWorkerPoolBatch (...)
Signature: connection:CloudConnection -> messages:seq<'a> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: 'a
Posts a collection of messages to a pool of workers.
StartListening (...)
Signature: (cloudConnection:CloudConnection * createAgentFunc:(ActorKey -> CloudAgentKind<'a>)) -> IDisposable
Type parameters: 'a
Starts listening to Azure for messages that are handled by agents.