

Namespace: FSharp.Control.Reactive

Operators to work on disposable types

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
compose disposable2 disposable1
Signature: disposable2:'?8988 -> disposable1:'?8989 -> IDisposable
Type parameters: '?8988, '?8989

Compose two disposables together so they are both disposed when disposed is called on the 'composite' disposable. The expected usage is disposable1 |> compose disposable2,

Signature: f:(unit -> unit) -> IDisposable

Creates an disposable object that invokes the specified function when disposed.

Signature: x:IDisposable -> unit

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

disposeWith d x
Signature: d:CompositeDisposable -> x:IDisposable -> unit

Registers a disposable object into a composite disposable object ensuring it's disposition when composite disposable object is disposed.

ignoring f d
Signature: f:(unit -> '?8982) -> d:IDisposable -> unit
Type parameters: '?8982

Execute and action without the resource while the disposable is still 'active'. The used resource will be disposed afterwards.

setIndirectly disposableFactory d
Signature: disposableFactory:(unit -> 'b) -> d:SerialDisposable -> unit
Type parameters: 'b

Uses the double-indirection pattern to assign the disposable returned by the specified disposableFactory to the 'Disposable' property of the specified serial disposable.

setInnerDisposalOf d x
Signature: d:SerialDisposable -> x:IDisposable -> unit
using f d
Signature: f:('?8984 -> '?8985) -> d:'?8984 -> '?8985
Type parameters: '?8984, '?8985

Execute and action with the resource while the disposable is still 'active'. The used resource will be disposed afterwards.

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