advanceBy s time
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> time:int64 -> TestScheduler
Advances the scheduler's clock by the specified relative time, running all work scheduled for that timespan.
advanceTo s time
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> time:int64 -> TestScheduler
Advances the scheduler's clock to the specified time, running all work till that point.
coldObservable s arg2
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> TestNotifications<'a> -> ITestableObservable<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
Creates a cold observable using the specified timestamped notification messages.
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> ITestableObserver<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
Creates an observer that records received notification messages and timestamps those.
hotObservable s arg2
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> TestNotifications<'a> -> ITestableObservable<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
Creates a hot observable using the specified timestamped notification messages.
schedule s state dueTime f
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> state:'?9090 -> dueTime:DateTimeOffset -> f:(IScheduler -> '?9090 -> IDisposable) -> IDisposable
Type parameters: '?9090
[<Obsolete("Use the 'Schedule' module for scheduling actions")>]
WARNING: This API is obsolete
Use the 'Schedule' module for scheduling actions
Schedules an action to be executed at dueTime
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> TestScheduler
Starts the virtual time scheduler.
startObservable s source
Signature: s:TestScheduler -> source:IObservable<'?9093> -> ITestableObserver<'?9093>
Type parameters: '?9093
Starts the test scheduler and uses default virtual times to "ReactiveTest.Created", to "ReactiveTest.Subscribed", and to "ReactiveTest.Disposed".
subscribeBeforeAfter sch source f
Signature: sch:TestScheduler -> source:'?9099 -> f:('?9099 -> '?9101) -> ITestableObserver<'?9100> * ITestableObserver<'?9100>
Type parameters: '?9099, '?9100, '?9101
Subscribes before and after and specified function to the observable with an observer that records received notification messasges and timestamps those.
subscribeTestObserver sch source
Signature: sch:TestScheduler -> source:IObservable<'?9095> -> ITestableObserver<'?9095>
Type parameters: '?9095
Subscribes to the observable with an observer that records received notification messages and timestamps those.
subscribeTestObserverStart sch source
Signature: sch:TestScheduler -> source:IObservable<'a> -> ITestableObserver<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
Subscribes (before starting) to the observable with an observer that records received notification messages and timestamps those.
Signature: f:(TestScheduler -> '?9080) -> '?9080
Type parameters: '?9080
Virtual time scheduler used for testing applications and libraries built using Reactive Extensions.