
ZipList Module

Basic operations on ZipList

Functions and values

Function or value Description

ZipList.map f arg2

Full Usage: ZipList.map f arg2

Returns: ZipList<'b>
f : 'a -> 'b
arg1 : ZipList<'a>
Returns: ZipList<'b>

ZipList.map2 f arg2 arg3

Full Usage: ZipList.map2 f arg2 arg3

Returns: ZipList<'U>
f : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U
arg1 : ZipList<'T1>
arg2 : ZipList<'T2>
Returns: ZipList<'U>

ZipList.map3 f arg2 arg3 arg4

Full Usage: ZipList.map3 f arg2 arg3 arg4

Returns: ZipList<'U>
f : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U
arg1 : ZipList<'T1>
arg2 : ZipList<'T2>
arg3 : ZipList<'T3>
Returns: ZipList<'U>

ZipList.run arg1

Full Usage: ZipList.run arg1

Returns: seq<'a>
arg0 : ZipList<'a>
Returns: seq<'a>

ZipList.singleton x

Full Usage: ZipList.singleton x

    x : 'a

Returns: ZipList<'a>
x : 'a
Returns: ZipList<'a>

ZipList.zip list1 list2

Full Usage: ZipList.zip list1 list2

    list1 : ZipList<'T> - The first input list.
    list2 : ZipList<'U> - The second input list.

Returns: ZipList<'T * 'U> A single list containing pairs of matching elements from the input lists.

Combines the two lists into a list of pairs. The two lists need not have equal lengths: when one list is exhausted any remaining elements in the other list are ignored.

list1 : ZipList<'T>

The first input list.

list2 : ZipList<'U>

The second input list.

Returns: ZipList<'T * 'U>

A single list containing pairs of matching elements from the input lists.