

Namespace: FSharpx.Collections.Experimental

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
append xs ys
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14578> -> ys:AltBinRndAccList<'?14578> -> AltBinRndAccList<'?14578>
Type parameters: '?14578

O(xs). Returns random access list from elements of 2 random access lists concatenated.

cons x xs
Signature: x:'T -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> AltBinRndAccList<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

O(log n). Returns a new random access list with the element added to the beginning.

Signature: AltBinRndAccList<'?14584>
Type parameters: '?14584

O(1). Returns a empty random access list.

head xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14582> -> '?14582
Type parameters: '?14582

O(log n). Returns the first element.

isEmpty xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> bool
Type parameters: 'T

O(1). Returns true if the random access list has no elements.

length xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> int
Type parameters: 'T

O(log n). Returns the count of elememts.

lookup i xs
Signature: i:int -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14592> -> '?14592
Type parameters: '?14592

O(log n). Returns element by index.

ofSeq s
Signature: s:seq<'?14596> -> AltBinRndAccList<'?14596>
Type parameters: '?14596

O(n). Returns random access list from the sequence.

remove i xs
Signature: i:int -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> AltBinRndAccList<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

O(n). Returns random access list with element removed by index.

rev xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> AltBinRndAccList<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

O(n). Returns random access list reversed.

tail xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14604> -> AltBinRndAccList<'?14604>
Type parameters: '?14604

O(log n). Returns a new random access list of the elements trailing the first element.

tryGetHead xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14586> -> '?14586 option
Type parameters: '?14586

O(log n). Returns option first element.

tryGetTail xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14606> -> AltBinRndAccList<'?14606> option
Type parameters: '?14606

O(log n). Returns a option random access list of the elements trailing the first element.

tryLookup i xs
Signature: i:int -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'?14594> -> '?14594 option
Type parameters: '?14594

O(log n). Returns option element by index.

tryRemove i xs
Signature: i:int -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> AltBinRndAccList<'T> option
Type parameters: 'T

O(n). Returns option random access list with element removed by index.

tryUncons xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> ('T * AltBinRndAccList<'T>) option
Type parameters: 'T

O(log n). Returns the option first element and tail.

tryUpdate i y xs
Signature: i:int -> y:'T -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> AltBinRndAccList<'T> option
Type parameters: 'T

O(log n). Returns option random access list with element updated by index.

uncons xs
Signature: xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> 'T * AltBinRndAccList<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

O(log n). Returns the first element and tail.

update i y xs
Signature: i:int -> y:'T -> xs:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> AltBinRndAccList<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

O(log n). Returns random access list with element updated by index.

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |Cons|Nil| ) l
Signature: l:AltBinRndAccList<'T> -> Choice<('T * AltBinRndAccList<'T>),unit>
Type parameters: 'T

CompiledName: |Cons|Nil|

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