Signature: unit -> ICommand
The ICommand
CompiledName: set_Command
Signature: unit -> unit
The ICommand
CompiledName: get_Command
Signature: unit -> obj
The paramter passed to the ICommand. If this is set, the EventArgs are ignored
CompiledName: set_CommandParameter
Signature: unit -> unit
The paramter passed to the ICommand. If this is set, the EventArgs are ignored
CompiledName: get_CommandParameter
Signature: unit -> IEventArgsConverter
The optional converter used to convert the EventArgs into another type
for passing to the ICommand's parameter. This allows strong typed conversion
while preventing the ViewModel from requiring a hard binding to WPF
CompiledName: set_EventArgsConverter
Signature: unit -> unit
The optional converter used to convert the EventArgs into another type
for passing to the ICommand's parameter. This allows strong typed conversion
while preventing the ViewModel from requiring a hard binding to WPF
CompiledName: get_EventArgsConverter
Signature: unit -> obj
The converter used to map the EventArgs of the command to the VM
CompiledName: set_EventArgsConverterParameter
Signature: unit -> unit
The converter used to map the EventArgs of the command to the VM
CompiledName: get_EventArgsConverterParameter
Signature: unit -> bool
Boolean indicating whether the EventArgs passed to the
event handler will be forwarded to the ICommand's Execute method
when the event is fired. The EventArgsConverterParameter will get used
to map the types across as needed
CompiledName: set_PassEventArgsToCommand
Signature: unit -> unit
Boolean indicating whether the EventArgs passed to the
event handler will be forwarded to the ICommand's Execute method
when the event is fired. The EventArgsConverterParameter will get used
to map the types across as needed
CompiledName: get_PassEventArgsToCommand
Signature: unit -> bool
Boolean indicating whether to toggle the enabled value of the associated control
based on the ICommand's CanExecute state
CompiledName: set_ToggleIsEnabled
Signature: unit -> unit
Boolean indicating whether to toggle the enabled value of the associated control
based on the ICommand's CanExecute state
CompiledName: get_ToggleIsEnabled