( -- ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join, possible break with indent=1
CompiledName: op_MinusMinus
( --- ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join, possible break with indent=2
CompiledName: op_MinusMinusMinus
( @@ ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join broken with ident=0
CompiledName: op_AtAt
( @@- ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join broken with ident=1
CompiledName: op_AtAtMinus
( @@-- ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join broken with ident=2
CompiledName: op_AtAtMinusMinus
( ^^ ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join, unbreakable.
CompiledName: op_HatHat
( ++ ) layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Join, possible break with indent=0
CompiledName: op_PlusPlus
aboveL layout1 layout2
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layout2:Layout -> Layout
Layout two vertically.
aboveListL layouts
Signature: layouts:Layout list -> Layout
Layout list vertically.
braceL layout
Signature: layout:Layout -> Layout
Wrap braces around layout.
bracketL Layout
Signature: Layout:Layout -> Layout
Wrap round brackets around Layout.
commaListL layouts
Signature: layouts:Layout list -> Layout
Join layouts into a comma separated list.
Signature: Layout
The empty layout
isEmptyL layout
Signature: layout:Layout -> bool
Is it the empty layout?
leftL text
Signature: text:string -> Layout
An string which is left parenthesis (no space on the right).
listL selector value
Signature: selector:('T -> Layout) -> value:'T list -> Layout
Type parameters: 'T
Layout like an F# list.
objL value
Signature: value:obj -> Layout
An uninterpreted leaf, to be interpreted into a string
by the layout engine. This allows leaf layouts for numbers, strings and
other atoms to be customized according to culture.
optionL selector value
Signature: selector:('T -> Layout) -> value:'T option -> Layout
Type parameters: 'T
Layout like an F# option.
rightL text
Signature: text:string -> Layout
An string which is right parenthesis (no space on the left).
semiListL layouts
Signature: layouts:Layout list -> Layout
Join layouts into a semi-colon separated list.
sepL text
Signature: text:string -> Layout
An string which requires no spaces either side.
sepListL layout1 layouts
Signature: layout1:Layout -> layouts:Layout list -> Layout
Join layouts into a list separated using the given Layout.
spaceListL layouts
Signature: layouts:Layout list -> Layout
Join layouts into a space separated list.
squareBracketL layout
Signature: layout:Layout -> Layout
Wrap square brackets around layout.
tagAttrL text maps layout
Signature: text:string -> maps:(string * string) list -> layout:Layout -> Layout
See tagL
tupleL layouts
Signature: layouts:Layout list -> Layout
Form tuple of layouts.
unfoldL selector folder state count
Signature: selector:('T -> Layout) -> folder:('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> state:'State -> count:int -> Layout list
Type parameters: 'T, 'State
For limitting layout of list-like sequences (lists,arrays,etc).
unfold a list of items using (project and z) making layout list via itemL.
If reach maxLength (before exhausting) then truncate.
wordL text
Signature: text:string -> Layout
An string leaf