Signature: values:seq<Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage>> -> Result<'TSuccess list,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage
Collects a sequence of Results and accumulates their values.
If the sequence contains an error the error will be propagated.
Either(this, ifSuccess, ifFailure)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * ifSuccess:Func<'TSuccess,'TMessage list,'TResult> * ifFailure:Func<'TMessage list,'TResult>) -> 'TResult
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage, 'TResult
Allows pattern matching on Results from C#.
Signature: this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> -> 'TMessage list
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage
Returns the error messages or fails if the result was a success.
Signature: this:Result<seq<Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage>>,'TMessage> -> Result<seq<'TSuccess>,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage
Collects a sequence of Results and accumulates their values.
If the sequence contains an error the error will be propagated.
Signature: (this:Result<'TOuter,'TMessage> * inner:Result<'TInner,'TMessage> * _outerKeySelector:Func<'TOuter,'TKey> * _innerKeySelector:Func<'TInner,'TKey> * resultSelector:Func<'TOuter,'TInner,'TResult>) -> Result<'TResult,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TOuter, 'TMessage, 'TInner, 'TKey, 'TResult
Joins two results.
If both are a success the resultSelector Func is applied to the values and the existing success messages are propagated.
Otherwise the exisiting error messages are propagated.
Map(this, func)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * func:Func<'TSuccess,'?7400>) -> Result<'?7400,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage, '?7400
Lifts a Func into a Result and applies it on the given result.
MapFailure(this, f)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * f:Func<'TMessage list,seq<'TMessage2>>) -> Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage2>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage, 'TMessage2
Maps a function over the existing error messages in case of failure. In case of success, the message type will be changed and warnings will be discarded.
Match(this, ifSuccess, ifFailure)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * ifSuccess:Action<'TSuccess,'TMessage list> * ifFailure:Action<'TMessage list>) -> unit
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage
Allows pattern matching on Results from C#.
Select(this, func)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * func:Func<'TSuccess,'?7419>) -> Result<'?7419,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage, '?7419
Lifts a Func into a Result and applies it on the given result.
SelectMany(this, func, mapper)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * func:Func<'TSuccess,Result<'?7414,'TMessage>> * mapper:Func<'TSuccess,'?7414,'?7415>) -> Result<'?7415,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage, '?7414, '?7415
If the result is a Success it executes the given Func on the value.
If the result of the Func is a Success it maps it using the given Func.
Otherwise the exisiting failure is propagated.
SelectMany(this, func)
Signature: (this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> * func:Func<'TSuccess,Result<'?7410,'TMessage>>) -> Result<'?7410,'TMessage>
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage, '?7410
If the result is a Success it executes the given Func on the value.
Otherwise the exisiting failure is propagated.
Signature: this:Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> -> 'TSuccess
Type parameters: 'TSuccess, 'TMessage
Returns the result or fails if the result was an error.
ToResult(this, msg)
Signature: (this:'?7433 option * msg:'?7434) -> Result<'?7433,'?7434>
Type parameters: '?7433, '?7434
Converts an option into a Result.