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ASet Module

Functional operators for aset<_>

Functions and values

Function or value Description

groupBy mapping set

Full Usage: groupBy mapping set

    mapping : 'T -> 'K
    set : aset<'T>

Returns: amap<'K, HashSet<'T>>

Groups the aset by the given mapping and returns an amap with potentially colliding entries in a HashSet<'T>.

mapping : 'T -> 'K
set : aset<'T>
Returns: amap<'K, HashSet<'T>>

mapToAMap mapping set

Full Usage: mapToAMap mapping set

    mapping : 'Key -> 'Value
    set : aset<'Key>

Returns: amap<'Key, 'Value>

Creates an amap with the keys from the set and the values given by mapping.

mapping : 'Key -> 'Value
set : aset<'Key>
Returns: amap<'Key, 'Value>

ofAList list

Full Usage: ofAList list

Returns: aset<'T>

Creates an aset holding all elements of the given list.

list : alist<'T>
Returns: aset<'T>

ofAListIndexed list

Full Usage: ofAListIndexed list

Returns: aset<Index * 'T>

Creates an aset holding all index/elements pairs of the given list.

list : alist<'T>
Returns: aset<Index * 'T>

ofAMap map

Full Usage: ofAMap map

    map : amap<'Key, 'Value>

Returns: aset<'Key * 'Value>

Creates an aset holding all key/value tuples from the map.

map : amap<'Key, 'Value>
Returns: aset<'Key * 'Value>

ofAMapValues map

Full Usage: ofAMapValues map

    map : amap<'Key, 'Value>

Returns: aset<'Value>

Creates an aset holding all distinct values from the map.

map : amap<'Key, 'Value>
Returns: aset<'Value>

sort set

Full Usage: sort set

Returns: alist<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Sorts the set.

set : aset<'T>
Returns: alist<'T>

sortBy projection set

Full Usage: sortBy projection set

    projection : 'T1 -> 'T2
    set : aset<'T1>

Returns: alist<'T1>

Sorts the set using the keys given by projection.

projection : 'T1 -> 'T2
set : aset<'T1>
Returns: alist<'T1>

sortByDescending projection set

Full Usage: sortByDescending projection set

    projection : 'T1 -> 'T2
    set : aset<'T1>

Returns: alist<'T1>

Sorts the set using the keys given by projection in descending order.

projection : 'T1 -> 'T2
set : aset<'T1>
Returns: alist<'T1>

sortDescending set

Full Usage: sortDescending set

Returns: alist<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Sorts the set in descending order.

set : aset<'T>
Returns: alist<'T>

sortWith compare set

Full Usage: sortWith compare set

    compare : 'T -> 'T -> int
    set : aset<'T>

Returns: alist<'T>

Sorts the set using the given compare function.

compare : 'T -> 'T -> int
set : aset<'T>
Returns: alist<'T>

toAList set

Full Usage: toAList set

Returns: alist<'T>

Creates an alist from the set with undefined element order.

set : aset<'T>
Returns: alist<'T>

Type something to start searching.