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IndexList Module

Functional operators for IndexList.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

add v list

Full Usage: add v list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

adds an element at the end of the list.

v : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

alter index mapping l

Full Usage: alter index mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T>

adds, deletes or updates the element for the given index. the update functions gets the optional old value and may optionally return a new value (or None for deleting the entry).

index : Index
mapping : 'T option -> 'T option
l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

alterAt i mapping list

Full Usage: alterAt i mapping list

    i : int
    mapping : 'T option -> 'T option
    list : IndexList<'T>

Returns: IndexList<'T>

adds, deletes or updates the element for the given index. the update functions gets the optional old value and may optionally return a new value (or None for deleting the entry).

i : int
mapping : 'T option -> 'T option
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

append l r

Full Usage: append l r

Returns: IndexList<'T>

concats the given lists.

l : IndexList<'T>
r : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

average l

Full Usage: average l

Returns: ^a
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^T, ^a

calculates the average of all elements in the list.

l : IndexList<^T>
Returns: ^a

averageBy mapping l

Full Usage: averageBy mapping l

Returns: ^a
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T1, ^T2, ^a

calculates the average of all elements returned by mapping using the values from the list.

mapping : 'T1 -> ^T2
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: ^a

choose mapping list

Full Usage: choose mapping list

    mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2 option
    list : IndexList<'T1>

Returns: IndexList<'T2>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2

applies the mapping function to all elements in the list and drops None results.

mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2 option
list : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T2>

choose2 mapping l r

Full Usage: choose2 mapping l r

Returns: IndexList<'T3>

Creates a new IndexList by applying the mapping function to all entries. The respective option-arguments are some whenever the left/right list has an entry for the current Index. Note that one of the options will always be some.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 option -> 'T2 option -> 'T3 option
l : IndexList<'T1>
r : IndexList<'T2>
Returns: IndexList<'T3>

choosei mapping list

Full Usage: choosei mapping list

Returns: IndexList<'T2>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2

applies the mapping function to all elements in the list and drops None results.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> 'T2 option
list : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T2>

collect mapping l

Full Usage: collect mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T2>

applies the mapping function to all elements and concats the resulting lists.

mapping : 'T1 -> IndexList<'T2>
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T2>

collecti mapping l

Full Usage: collecti mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T2>

applies the mapping function to all elements and concats the resulting lists.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> IndexList<'T2>
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T2>

concat s

Full Usage: concat s

    s : 'a

Returns: IndexList<'T>

concats the given lists.

s : 'a
Returns: IndexList<'T>

count list

Full Usage: count list

Returns: int
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

the number of entries in the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: int


Full Usage: empty

Returns: IndexList<'T>

the empty list.

Returns: IndexList<'T>

exists predicate list

Full Usage: exists predicate list

Returns: bool

checks whether any element in the list fulfills the given predicate.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: bool

filter predicate list

Full Usage: filter predicate list

    predicate : 'T -> bool
    list : IndexList<'T>

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

filters the list using the given predicate.

predicate : 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

filteri predicate list

Full Usage: filteri predicate list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

filters the list using the given predicate.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

find predicate list

Full Usage: find predicate list

Returns: 'T

finds the first entry satisfying the predicate or fails if none.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T

findBack predicate list

Full Usage: findBack predicate list

Returns: 'T

finds the last entry satisfying the predicate or fails if none.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T

findIndex element list

Full Usage: findIndex element list

Returns: Index

gets the index for the first occurrence of element in the list or fails if not existing.

element : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index

findIndexBack element list

Full Usage: findIndexBack element list

Returns: Index

gets the index for the last occurrence of element in the list or fails if not existing.

element : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index

first list

Full Usage: first list

Returns: 'T

gets the first element from the list or fails if empty.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T

firstIndex list

Full Usage: firstIndex list

Returns: Index

gets the min-index used by the list or fails if empty.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index

fold folder seed l

Full Usage: fold folder seed l

    folder : 'S -> 'T -> 'S
    seed : 'S
    l : IndexList<'T>

Returns: 'S

folds over all list entries.

folder : 'S -> 'T -> 'S
seed : 'S
l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'S

forall predicate list

Full Usage: forall predicate list

Returns: bool

checks if all elements in the list fulfill the given predicate.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: bool

init len initializer

Full Usage: init len initializer

    len : int
    initializer : int -> 'T

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Create a list of the given length using the given initializer

len : int
initializer : int -> 'T
Returns: IndexList<'T>

insertAfter index value list

Full Usage: insertAfter index value list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

inserts an element directly after the given index.

index : Index
value : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

insertAt index value list

Full Usage: insertAt index value list

    index : int
    value : 'T
    list : IndexList<'T>

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

inserts a new element at the given index.

index : int
value : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

insertBefore index value list

Full Usage: insertBefore index value list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

inserts an element directly before the given index.

index : Index
value : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

isEmpty list

Full Usage: isEmpty list

Returns: bool
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

is the list empty?

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: bool

iter action l

Full Usage: iter action l


invokes the given action for all list elements in list order.

action : 'T -> unit
l : IndexList<'T>

iteri action l

Full Usage: iteri action l


invokes the given action for all list elements in list order.

action : Index -> 'T -> unit
l : IndexList<'T>

last list

Full Usage: last list

Returns: 'T

gets the last element from the list or fails if empty.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T

lastIndex list

Full Usage: lastIndex list

Returns: Index

gets the max-index used by the list or fails if empty.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index

map mapping list

Full Usage: map mapping list

Returns: IndexList<'T2>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2

applies the mapping function to all elements in the list.

mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2
list : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T2>

mapi mapping list

Full Usage: mapi mapping list

Returns: IndexList<'T2>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2

applies the mapping function to all elements in the list.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> 'T2
list : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T2>

neighbours index list

Full Usage: neighbours index list

Returns: (Index * 'T) option * 'T option * (Index * 'T) option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Finds the optional neighbour elements in the list for the given index.

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) option * 'T option * (Index * 'T) option

newIndexAfter index list

Full Usage: newIndexAfter index list

Returns: Index
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Gets an unused index directly after the given one.

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index

newIndexBefore index list

Full Usage: newIndexBefore index list

Returns: Index
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Gets an unused index directly after the given one.

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index

ofArray arr

Full Usage: ofArray arr

    arr : 'T[]

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

creates a list from the given elements.

arr : 'T[]
Returns: IndexList<'T>

ofArrayIndexed elements

Full Usage: ofArrayIndexed elements

    elements : (Index * 'T) array

Returns: IndexList<'T>

creates a new IndexList containing all the given elements at their respective Index.

elements : (Index * 'T) array
Returns: IndexList<'T>

ofList list

Full Usage: ofList list

    list : 'T list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

creates a list from the given elements.

list : 'T list
Returns: IndexList<'T>

ofListIndexed elements

Full Usage: ofListIndexed elements

    elements : (Index * 'T) list

Returns: IndexList<'T>

creates a new IndexList containing all the given elements at their respective Index.

elements : (Index * 'T) list
Returns: IndexList<'T>

ofSeq seq

Full Usage: ofSeq seq

    seq : 'T seq

Returns: IndexList<'T>

creates a list from the given elements.

seq : 'T seq
Returns: IndexList<'T>

ofSeqIndexed elements

Full Usage: ofSeqIndexed elements

    elements : (Index * 'T) seq

Returns: IndexList<'T>

creates a new IndexList containing all the given elements at their respective Index.

elements : (Index * 'T) seq
Returns: IndexList<'T>

pairwise l

Full Usage: pairwise l

Returns: IndexList<'T * 'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Returns a list of each element tupled with its successor.

l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T * 'T>

pairwiseCyclic l

Full Usage: pairwiseCyclic l

Returns: IndexList<'T * 'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Returns a list of each element tupled with its successor and the last element tupled with the first.

l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T * 'T>

partition predicate list

Full Usage: partition predicate list

    predicate : 'T -> bool
    list : IndexList<'T>

Returns: IndexList<'T> * IndexList<'T>

partitions the list into two lists, the first containing all elements for which the predicate returns true,

predicate : 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T> * IndexList<'T>

partitioni predicate list

Full Usage: partitioni predicate list

Returns: IndexList<'T> * IndexList<'T>

partitions the list into two lists, the first containing all elements for which the predicate returns true,

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T> * IndexList<'T>

prepend v list

Full Usage: prepend v list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

adds an element at the beginning of the list.

v : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

range lowerBound upperBound

Full Usage: range lowerBound upperBound

    lowerBound : ^a
    upperBound : ^a

Returns: IndexList<^a>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^a

Create a list of the given length using the given initializer

lowerBound : ^a
upperBound : ^a
Returns: IndexList<^a>

remove index list

Full Usage: remove index list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

removes the element at the given index. (if any)

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

removeAt index list

Full Usage: removeAt index list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

removes the element at the given index.

index : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

rev l

Full Usage: rev l

Returns: IndexList<'T>

reverses the given list.

l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

set index v list

Full Usage: set index v list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

updates or creates the element at the given index.

index : Index
v : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

setAt index v list

Full Usage: setAt index v list

Returns: IndexList<'T>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

updates or creates the element at the given index. note that out-of-bounds-indices will be ineffective.

index : int
v : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

single v

Full Usage: single v

    v : 'T

Returns: IndexList<'T>

creates a list containing a single element.

v : 'T
Returns: IndexList<'T>

skip n list

Full Usage: skip n list

Returns: IndexList<'T>

skips the first n elements from the list.

n : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

sort l

Full Usage: sort l

Returns: IndexList<'T>

sorts the list.

l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

sortBy mapping l

Full Usage: sortBy mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sorts the list by the given mapping.

mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sortByDescending mapping l

Full Usage: sortByDescending mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sorts the list by the given mapping in descending order.

mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sortByDescendingi mapping l

Full Usage: sortByDescendingi mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sorts the list by the given mapping in descending order.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> 'T2
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sortByi mapping l

Full Usage: sortByi mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sorts the list by the given mapping.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> 'T2
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: IndexList<'T1>

sortDescending l

Full Usage: sortDescending l

Returns: IndexList<'T>

sorts the list in descending order

l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

sortWith cmp l

Full Usage: sortWith cmp l

Returns: IndexList<'T>

sorts the list using the given compare function.

cmp : 'T -> 'T -> int
l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

split index list

Full Usage: split index list

Returns: IndexList<'T> * 'T option * IndexList<'T>

splits the list at the given index and returns both (possibly empty) halves and (optional) splitting element.

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T> * 'T option * IndexList<'T>

splitAt index list

Full Usage: splitAt index list

Returns: IndexList<'T> * 'T option * IndexList<'T>

splits the list at the given index and returns both (possibly empty) halves and (optional) splitting element.

index : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T> * 'T option * IndexList<'T>

splitAti index list

Full Usage: splitAti index list

Returns: IndexList<'T> * (Index * 'T) option * IndexList<'T>

splits the list at the given index and returns both (possibly empty) halves and (optional) splitting element.

index : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T> * (Index * 'T) option * IndexList<'T>

sub offset count list

Full Usage: sub offset count list

    offset : int
    count : int
    list : IndexList<'T>

Returns: IndexList<'T>

skips `offset` elements and takes `count`

offset : int
count : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

sum l

Full Usage: sum l

Returns: ^a
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^T, ^a

calculates the sum of all elements in the list.

l : IndexList<^T>
Returns: ^a

sumBy mapping l

Full Usage: sumBy mapping l

Returns: ^a
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T1, ^T2, ^a

calculates the sum of all elements returned by mapping using the values from the list.

mapping : 'T1 -> ^T2
l : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: ^a

take n list

Full Usage: take n list

Returns: IndexList<'T>

takes the first n elements from the list.

n : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

toArray list

Full Usage: toArray list

Returns: 'T[]
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

all elements from the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T[]

toArrayBack list

Full Usage: toArrayBack list

Returns: 'T[]
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

all elements from the list in reversed order.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T[]

toArrayIndexed list

Full Usage: toArrayIndexed list

Returns: (Index * 'T)[]

all elements from the list with their respective Index.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T)[]

toArrayIndexedBack list

Full Usage: toArrayIndexedBack list

Returns: (Index * 'T)[]

all elements from the list with their respective Index in reveresed order.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T)[]

toList list

Full Usage: toList list

Returns: 'T list
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

all elements from the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T list

toListBack list

Full Usage: toListBack list

Returns: 'T list
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

all elements from the list in reversed order.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T list

toListIndexed list

Full Usage: toListIndexed list

Returns: (Index * 'T) list

all elements from the list with their respective Index.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) list

toListIndexedBack list

Full Usage: toListIndexedBack list

Returns: (Index * 'T) list

all elements from the list with their respective Index in reveresed order.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) list

toSeq list

Full Usage: toSeq list

Returns: 'T seq
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

all elements from the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T seq

toSeqBack list

Full Usage: toSeqBack list

Returns: 'T seq
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

all elements from the list in reversed order.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T seq

toSeqIndexed list

Full Usage: toSeqIndexed list

Returns: (Index * 'T) seq

all elements from the list with their respective Index.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) seq

toSeqIndexedBack list

Full Usage: toSeqIndexedBack list

Returns: (Index * 'T) seq

all elements from the list with their respective Index in reveresed order.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) seq

tryAt index list

Full Usage: tryAt index list

Returns: 'T option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

gets the (optional) element for the index.

index : int
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

tryFind predicate list

Full Usage: tryFind predicate list

Returns: 'T option

tries to find the first entry satisfying the predicate.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

tryFindBack predicate list

Full Usage: tryFindBack predicate list

Returns: 'T option

tries to find the last entry satisfying the predicate.

predicate : Index -> 'T -> bool
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

tryFindIndex element list

Full Usage: tryFindIndex element list

Returns: Index option

tries to get the index for the first occurrence of element in the list.

element : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index option

tryFindIndexBack element list

Full Usage: tryFindIndexBack element list

Returns: Index option

tries to get the index for the last occurrence of element in the list.

element : 'T
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index option

tryFirst list

Full Usage: tryFirst list

Returns: 'T option

gets the optional first element from the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

tryFirstIndex list

Full Usage: tryFirstIndex list

Returns: Index option

gets the optional min-index used by the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index option

tryGet index list

Full Usage: tryGet index list

Returns: 'T option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

gets the element for the given index (if any).

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

tryGetNext index list

Full Usage: tryGetNext index list

Returns: (Index * 'T) option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Gets the element directly after index in the list (if any).

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) option

tryGetPosition index list

Full Usage: tryGetPosition index list

Returns: int option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

gets the position for the given index or None if the index is not contained in the list.

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: int option

tryGetPrev index list

Full Usage: tryGetPrev index list

Returns: (Index * 'T) option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Gets the element directly before index in the list (if any).

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: (Index * 'T) option

tryLast list

Full Usage: tryLast list

Returns: 'T option

gets the optional last element from the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

tryLastIndex list

Full Usage: tryLastIndex list

Returns: Index option

gets the optional max-index used by the list.

list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: Index option

tryPick mapping list

Full Usage: tryPick mapping list

Returns: 'T2 option

tries to pick the first Some - value.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> 'T2 option
list : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: 'T2 option

tryPickBack mapping list

Full Usage: tryPickBack mapping list

Returns: 'T2 option

tries to pick the last Some - value.

mapping : Index -> 'T1 -> 'T2 option
list : IndexList<'T1>
Returns: 'T2 option

tryRemove index list

Full Usage: tryRemove index list

Returns: ('T * IndexList<'T>) option
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Removes the entry associated to the given index, returns the (optional) value and the list without the specific element.

index : Index
list : IndexList<'T>
Returns: ('T * IndexList<'T>) option

unzip l

Full Usage: unzip l

Returns: IndexList<'T1> * IndexList<'T2>

splits a list of pairs into two lists.

l : IndexList<'T1 * 'T2>
Returns: IndexList<'T1> * IndexList<'T2>

unzip3 l

Full Usage: unzip3 l

Returns: IndexList<'T1> * IndexList<'T2> * IndexList<'T3>

splits a list of triples into three lists.

l : IndexList<'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3>
Returns: IndexList<'T1> * IndexList<'T2> * IndexList<'T3>

update index mapping l

Full Usage: update index mapping l

Returns: IndexList<'T>

updates the element at the given index (if any).

index : Index
mapping : 'T -> 'T
l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

updateAt index mapping l

Full Usage: updateAt index mapping l

    index : int
    mapping : 'T -> 'T
    l : IndexList<'T>

Returns: IndexList<'T>

updates the element at the given index (if any).

index : int
mapping : 'T -> 'T
l : IndexList<'T>
Returns: IndexList<'T>

Type something to start searching.