

Namespace: FSharp.Data.GraphQL
Parent Module: Linq

A representation of the property tree - describes a tree of all properties and subproperties accessed in provided ExecutionInfo with top level argument given as a root.

Union Cases

Union CaseDescription
Compose(Track,Arg list,Set<Tracker>)
Signature: Track * Arg list * Set<Tracker>

Marks branched field/property access - property value withh possible sub-trees. Consists of record list of arguments used to parametrize GraphQL field definition and set of subtrees.

Direct(Track,Arg list)
Signature: Track * Arg list

Leaf of the tree. Marks a direct field/property access with no sub-trees. Consists of record and (neglible in this case) list of arguments.

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: Track

CompiledName: get_Track

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