
ContT Module

Basic operations on ContT

Functions and values

Function or value Description

eval arg1

Full Usage: eval arg1

Returns: ^MR
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^MR, 'T

The result of running a CPS computation with its inner monad's 'Return' function as the final continuation.

arg0 : ContT<^MR, 'T>
Returns: ^MR

run arg1 continuation

Full Usage: run arg1 continuation

    arg0 : ContT<'MR, 'T>
    continuation : 'T -> 'MR

Returns: 'MR

The result of running a CPS computation with the identity function as the final continuation.

arg0 : ContT<'MR, 'T>
continuation : 'T -> 'MR
Returns: 'MR