
Arrows Module

Additional operators for Arrows related functions which shadows some F# operators for bitwise functions.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

f &&& g

Full Usage: f &&& g

    f : 'Arrow<'T,'U1>
    g : 'Arrow<'T,'U2>

Returns: ^Arrow<'T,('U1*'U2)>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'Arrow<'T,'U1>, 'Arrow<'T,'U2>, ^Arrow<'T,('U1 * 'U2)>

Sends the input to both argument arrows and combine their output. Also known as fanout.

f : 'Arrow<'T,'U1>
g : 'Arrow<'T,'U2>
Returns: ^Arrow<'T,('U1*'U2)>

f <<< g

Full Usage: f <<< g

    f : ^a
    g : 'b

Returns: 'c
Modifiers: inline

Right-to-left morphism composition.

f : ^a
g : 'b
Returns: 'c

f >>> g

Full Usage: f >>> g

    f : 'a
    g : ^b

Returns: 'c
Modifiers: inline

Left-to-right morphism composition.

f : 'a
g : ^b
Returns: 'c

f ||| g

Full Usage: f ||| g

    f : 'ArrowChoice<'T,'V>
    g : 'ArrowChoice<'U,'V>

Returns: ^ArrowChoice,'V>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'ArrowChoice<'T,'V>, 'ArrowChoice<'U,'V>, ^ArrowChoice<Choice<'U,'T>,'V>

Splits the input between the two argument arrows and merge their outputs. Also known as fanin.

f : 'ArrowChoice<'T,'V>
g : 'ArrowChoice<'U,'V>
Returns: ^ArrowChoice,'V>