Additional operations on Result<'T,'Error>
Function or value | Description |
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Applies the wrapped value to the wrapped function when both are Ok and returns a wrapped result or the first Error.
The function wrapped in an Ok or an Error.
The value wrapped in an Ok or an Error.
Full Usage:
Result.bimap errorMapper okMapper source
'TError -> 'UError
Function to be applied to source, if it contains an Error value.
okMapper : 'T -> 'U
Function to be applied to source, if it contains an Ok value.
source : Result<'T, 'TError>
The source value, containing an Ok or an Error.
Returns: Result<'U, 'UError>
The result of applying the corresponding mapping function.
Full Usage:
Result.bindError binder source
'Error -> Result<'T, 'Error2>
A function that takes the error and transforms it into a result.
source : Result<'T, 'Error>
The source input value.
Returns: Result<'T, 'Error2>
A result of the output type of the binder.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'Error, 'T, 'Error2 |
Full Usage:
Result.defaultValue value result
The specified default value.
result : Result<'T, 'Error>
The input result.
Returns: 'T
The result if the result is Ok, else the default value.
Note: this function has since been added to FSharp.Core. It will be removed in next major release of FSharpPlus.
Full Usage:
Result.defaultWith defThunk result
'Error -> 'T
A thunk that provides a default value when evaluated.
result : Result<'T, 'Error>
The input result.
Returns: 'T
Note: this function has since been added to FSharp.Core. It will be removed in next major release of FSharpPlus.
Full Usage:
Result.either fOk fError source
'T -> 'U
Function to be applied to source, if it contains an Ok value.
fError : 'Error -> 'U
Function to be applied to source, if it contains an Error value.
source : Result<'T, 'Error>
The source value, containing an Ok or an Error.
Returns: 'U
The result of applying either functions.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'T, 'U, 'Error |
Full Usage:
Result.iterError action source
'Error -> unit
A function to apply to the error part of the source value.
source : Result<'T, 'Error>
The input result.
Modifiers: inline Type parameters: 'Error, 'T |
union case Result.Ok: ResultValue: 'T -> Result<'T,'TError>
Multiple items
module Result from Microsoft.FSharp.Core -------------------- [<Struct>] type Result<'T,'TError> = | Ok of ResultValue: 'T | Error of ErrorValue: 'TError val iter: action: ('T -> unit) -> result: Result<'T,'Error> -> unit
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
union case Result.Error: ErrorValue: 'TError -> Result<'T,'TError>
Full Usage:
Result.map3 f x y z
'T -> 'U -> 'V -> 'W
The mapping function.
x : Result<'T, 'Error>
The first Result value.
y : Result<'U, 'Error>
The second Result value.
z : Result<'V, 'Error>
The third Result value.
Returns: Result<'W, 'Error>
The combined value, or the first Error.
Full Usage:
Result.partition source
Result<'T, 'Error> list
Returns: 'T list * 'Error list
A tuple with both resulting lists, Oks are in the first list.