

The Cont computation type represents computations which can be interrupted and resumed.

Some of these examples are adapted from fabriceleal/Continuations on github.

You can read up on the style on Markh Needhams blog post or by reading Real World Functional Programming by Tomas Petricek with Jon Skeet on the subject.


In order to get an idea about this style, let us contrast some of the examples and how they look in when using F#+ or without help.

#r @"nuget: FSharpPlus"
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data

let assertEqual expected actual = 
    if expected <> actual then
        failwithf "%A != %A" expected actual

Example g k

let g n = n + 1
let f n = g(n + 1) + 1

module ``EXAMPLE g k`` =
    let g_k n k = k(n + 1)
    let f_k n k = g_k(n + 1) (fun x -> k(x + 1))
    f_k 1 (fun x -> assertEqual (f 1) x)
    f_k 2 (fun x -> assertEqual (f 2) x)

module ``EXAMPLE g k in FSharpPlus`` =
    let g_k n : Cont<int,int> = monad { return (n + 1) }
    let f_k n = monad {
      let! x= g_k(n + 1) 
      return x+1
    let n = 2
    let res = Cont.run (f_k n) id
    assertEqual (f n) res

Example Max

// Max, regular-style
let max x y =
    if x > y then x else y

module ``EXAMPLE max`` =

    // Max, CPS-style
    let max_k x y k =
        if x > y then k x else k y
    // More CPS Styl-ish
    max_k 1 2 (fun x -> assertEqual (max 1 2) x)

module ``EXAMPLE max in FSharpPlus`` =
    let max_k x y = monad {
        return if x > y then x else y }
    let x = Cont.run (max_k 1 2) id
    assertEqual (max 1 2) x

Example factorial

// regular factorial
let rec factorial n =
    if n = 0 then
        n * factorial (n-1)

module ``EXAMPLE factorial`` =
    let rec factorial_k n k =
        if n = 0 then
            k 1
            factorial_k (n-1) (fun x -> k(x * n))

    let fact_n = 5
    factorial_k fact_n (fun x -> assertEqual (factorial fact_n) x)

module ``EXAMPLE factorial in FSharpPlus`` =
    let rec factorial_k n = monad {
        if n = 0 then
            return 1
            let! x=factorial_k (n-1)
            return x * n
    let fact_n = 5
    let x = Cont.run (factorial_k fact_n) id
    assertEqual (factorial fact_n) x

Example sum

// sum
let rec sum x =
    if x = 1 then
        sum(x - 1) + x

module ``EXAMPLE sum`` =

    let rec sum_k x k =
        if x = 1 then
            k 1
            sum_k(x - 1) (fun y -> k(x + y))

    let sum_n = 5
    sum_k sum_n (fun t ->  assertEqual (sum sum_n) t)
module ``EXAMPLE sum in FSharpPlus`` =

    let rec sum_k x = monad {
        if x = 1 then
            return 1
            let! y=sum_k(x - 1)
            return x + y

    let sum_n = 5
    let t = Cont.run (sum_k sum_n) id
    assertEqual (sum sum_n) t

Example Fibonacci number

// fibo
let rec fibo n =
    if n = 0 then
    else if n = 1 then
            fibo (n - 1) + fibo (n - 2)

module ``EXAMPLE fibo`` =
    let rec fibo_k n k =
        if n = 0 then
            k 1
        else if n = 1 then 
            k 1
                let k_new1 = (fun x1 -> 
                    let k_new2 = (fun x2 -> k(x1 + x2))
                    fibo_k (n - 2) k_new2
                fibo_k (n - 1) k_new1

    let fibo_n = 9
    fibo_k fibo_n (fun x -> assertEqual (fibo fibo_n) x)
module ``EXAMPLE fibo in FSharpPlus`` =
    let rec fibo_k n =
      monad {
        if n = 0 then
            return 1
        else if n = 1 then 
            return 1
                let! x1 = fibo_k (n - 1)
                let! x2 = fibo_k (n - 2)
                return x1+x2
    let fibo_n = 9
    let x = Cont.run (fibo_k fibo_n) id
    assertEqual (fibo fibo_n) x

Example nth

// nth
let rec nth n (ls : 'a list) =
    if ls.IsEmpty then
    else if n = 0 then
        nth (n - 1) ls.Tail

module ``EXAMPLE nth`` =

    let rec nth_k n (ls : 'a list) k =
        if ls.IsEmpty then
        else if n = 0 then
            nth_k (n - 1) ls.Tail k
    let ls, i1, i2 = [1;2;3;4;5;6], 3, 15

    // becomes:
    nth_k i1 ls (fun x->assertEqual (nth i1 ls) x)

    nth_k i2 ls (fun x->assertEqual (nth i2 ls) x)

#nowarn "0064"
module ``EXAMPLE nth in FSharpPlus`` =

    let rec nth_k n (ls : 'a list) = monad {
        if ls.IsEmpty then
            return (None)
        else if n = 0 then
            return (Some(ls.Head))
            let! r=nth_k (n - 1) ls.Tail
            return r
    let ls, i1, i2 = [1;2;3;4;5;6], 3, 15

    // becomes:
    let x = Cont.run (nth_k i1 ls) id
    assertEqual (nth i1 ls) x

    let x2 = Cont.run (nth_k i2 ls) id
    assertEqual (nth i2 ls) x2

Example count nodes in a tree

type Tree =
    | Node of Tree * Tree
    | Leaf
// node_count
let rec node_count = function
                    | Node(lt, rt) -> 1 + node_count(lt)  + node_count(rt)
                    | Leaf -> 0

module ``EXAMPLE count_nodes`` =
    let rec node_count_k tree k = match tree with
                                    | Node(ltree, rtree) ->
                                        let new_k1 = (fun ltree_count -> 
                                            let new_k2 = (fun rtree_count -> 
                                                k(1 + ltree_count + rtree_count)
                                            node_count_k rtree new_k2
                                        node_count_k ltree new_k1
                                    | Leaf -> k 0

    let t = Node(Node(Leaf, Leaf), Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Leaf))))
    node_count_k t (fun count -> assertEqual (node_count t)  count)

module ``EXAMPLE count_nodes in FSharpPlus`` =
    let rec node_count_k tree = 
                                monad {
                                    match tree with
                                    | Node(lt, rt) -> 
                                        let! x_lt=node_count_k(lt)
                                        let! x_rt=node_count_k(rt)
                                        return 1 + x_lt + x_rt
                                    | Leaf -> return 0
    let t = Node(Node(Leaf, Leaf), Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Node(Leaf, Leaf))))
    let count = Cont.run (node_count_k t) id
    assertEqual (node_count t)  count
namespace FSharpPlus
namespace FSharpPlus.Data
val assertEqual: expected: 'a -> actual: 'a -> unit (requires equality)
val expected: 'a (requires equality)
val actual: 'a (requires equality)
val failwithf: format: Printf.StringFormat<'T,'Result> -> 'T
val g: n: int -> int
val n: int
val f: n: int -> int
val g_k: n: int -> k: (int -> 'a) -> 'a
val k: (int -> 'a)
val f_k: n: int -> k: (int -> 'a) -> 'a
val x: int
val g_k: n: int -> Cont<int,int>
Multiple items
union case Cont.Cont: (('t -> 'r) -> 'r) -> Cont<'r,'t>

module Cont from FSharpPlus.Data
<summary> Basic operations on Cont </summary>

[<Struct>] type Cont<'r,'t> = | Cont of (('t -> 'r) -> 'r) static member ( *> ) : x: Cont<'R,'T> * y: Cont<'R,'U> -> Cont<'R,'U> static member (<!>) : f: ('T -> 'U) * x: Cont<'R,'T> -> Cont<'R,'U> static member ( <* ) : x: Cont<'R,'U> * y: Cont<'R,'T> -> Cont<'R,'U> static member (<*>) : f: Cont<'R,('T -> 'U)> * x: Cont<'R,'T> -> Cont<'R,'U> static member (>=>) : f: ('T -> Cont<'R,'U>) * g: ('U -> Cont<'R,'V>) -> ('T -> Cont<'R,'V>) static member (>>=) : x: Cont<'R,'T> * f: ('T -> Cont<'R,'U>) -> Cont<'R,'U> static member Delay: f: (unit -> Cont<'R,'T>) -> Cont<'R,'T> static member Lift: m: 'Monad<'T> -> ContT<'Monad<'R>,'T> (requires member (>>=)) static member LiftAsync: x: Async<'T> -> ContT<Async<'R>,'T> static member Local: Cont<'a2,'MonadReader<R1,'T>,'U> * f: ('R1 -> 'R2) -> ContT<'a3,'MonadReader<R1,'T>,'U> (requires member Local and member (>>=) and member Local and member Ask) ...
<summary> Computation type: Computations which can be interrupted and resumed. <para /> Binding strategy: Binding a function to a monadic value creates a new continuation which uses the function as the continuation of the monadic computation. <para /> Useful for: Complex control structures, error handling, and creating co-routines.</summary>
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val monad<'monad<'t>> : MonadFxBuilder<'monad<'t>>
<summary> Creates a (lazy) monadic computation expression with side-effects (see http://fsprojects.github.io/FSharpPlus/computation-expressions.html for more information) </summary>
val f_k: n: int -> Cont<int,int>
val res: int
val run: Cont<'R,'T> -> (('T -> 'R) -> 'R)
<summary> The result of running a CPS computation with a given final continuation. </summary>
val id: x: 'T -> 'T
val max: x: 'a -> y: 'a -> 'a (requires comparison)
val x: 'a (requires comparison)
val y: 'a (requires comparison)
val max_k: x: 'a -> y: 'a -> k: ('a -> 'b) -> 'b (requires comparison)
val k: ('a -> 'b) (requires comparison)
val max_k: x: int -> y: int -> Cont<int,int>
val y: int
val factorial: n: int -> int
val factorial_k: n: int -> k: (int -> 'a) -> 'a
val fact_n: int
val factorial_k: n: int -> Cont<int,int>
val sum: x: int -> int
val sum_k: x: int -> k: (int -> 'a) -> 'a
val sum_n: int
val t: int
val sum_k: x: int -> Cont<int,int>
val fibo: n: int -> int
val fibo_k: n: int -> k: (int -> 'a) -> 'a
val k_new1: x1: int -> 'a
val x1: int
val k_new2: x2: int -> 'a
val x2: int
val fibo_n: int
val fibo_k: n: int -> Cont<int,int>
val nth: n: int -> ls: 'a list -> 'a option
val ls: 'a list
type 'T list = List<'T>
property List.IsEmpty: bool with get
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
property List.Head: 'a with get
property List.Tail: 'a list with get
val nth_k: n: int -> ls: 'a list -> k: ('a option -> 'a0) -> 'a0
val k: ('a option -> 'a0)
val ls: int list
val i1: int
val i2: int
val x: int option
val nth_k: n: int -> ls: int list -> Cont<int option,int option>
property List.Head: int with get
val r: int option
property List.Tail: int list with get
val x2: int option
type Tree = | Node of Tree * Tree | Leaf
union case Tree.Node: Tree * Tree -> Tree
union case Tree.Leaf: Tree
val node_count: _arg1: Tree -> int
val lt: Tree
val rt: Tree
val node_count_k: tree: Tree -> k: (int -> 'a) -> 'a
val tree: Tree
val ltree: Tree
val rtree: Tree
val new_k1: ltree_count: int -> 'a
val ltree_count: int
val new_k2: rtree_count: int -> 'a
val rtree_count: int
val t: Tree
val count: int
val node_count_k: tree: Tree -> Cont<int,int>
val x_lt: int
val x_rt: int