DList is an ordered linear structure implementing the List signature (head, tail, cons),
end-insertion (add), and O(1) append. Ordering is by insertion history.
DList is an implementation of John Hughes' append list.
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data
// you can construct a DList by using ofSeq
let list123 = DList.ofSeq [ 1; 2; 3 ]
let listEmpty = DList.empty
// cons
let list2 = DList.cons 100 list123
// append two DLists
let list3 = DList.append list2 (DList.singleton 200)
// this can be written as (since list2 is a DList):
let list3' = plus list2 (result 200)
// in order to get back to a regular list you can then use toList:
let list4 = toList list3'
let lengthOfList3 = DList.length list3
let lengthOfList3' = length list3
let headOf3 = DList.head list3
let headOf3' = head list3
namespace FSharpPlus
namespace FSharpPlus.Data
val list123: DList<int>
Multiple items
module DList
from FSharpPlus.Data
type DList<'T> =
interface IReadOnlyList<'T>
interface IEquatable<DList<'T>>
new: length: int * data: DListData<'T> -> DList<'T>
member Add: x: 'T -> DList<'T>
member Cons: hd: 'T -> DList<'T>
override Equals: other: obj -> bool
override GetHashCode: unit -> int
member toSeq: unit -> IEnumerator<'T>
static member (+) : x: DList<'a1> * y: DList<'a1> -> DList<'a1>
static member (<*>) : f: DList<('a1 -> 'a2)> * x: DList<'a1> -> DList<'a2>
DList is an ordered linear structure implementing the List signature (head, tail, cons),
end-insertion (add), and O(1) append. Ordering is by insertion history.
DList is an implementation of [John Hughes' append list](http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=8475).
new: length: int * data: DListData<'T> -> DList<'T>
Multiple items
val ofSeq: s: 'T seq -> DList<'T>
Returns a DList of the seq.
static member DList.ofSeq: s: 'T seq -> DList<'T>
val listEmpty: DList<'a>
val empty<'T> : DList<'T>
O(1). Returns DList of no elements.
val list2: DList<int>
val cons: hd: 'T -> l: DList<'T> -> DList<'T>
O(1). Returns a new DList with the element added to the beginning.
val list3: DList<int>
Multiple items
val append: left: DList<'T> -> right: DList<'T> -> DList<'T>
O(1). Returns a new DList of two lists.
static member DList.append: left: DListData<'a1> * right: DListData<'a1> -> DListData<'a1>
val singleton: x: 'a -> DList<'a>
O(1). Returns DList of one elements.
val list3': DList<int>
val plus: x: 'Monoid -> y: 'Monoid -> 'Monoid (requires member ``+``)
Combines two monoids in one.
<category index="4">Monoid</category>
val result: x: 'T -> 'Functor<'T> (requires member Return)
Lifts a value into a Functor. Same as return in Computation Expressions.
<category index="2">Applicative</category>
val list4: int list
val toList: source: 'a -> 'T list (requires member ToList)
<summary>Builds a list from the given foldable.</summary>
<category index="11">Foldable</category>
<param name="source">The input foldable.</param>
<returns>The list of foldable elements.</returns>
val lengthOfList3: int
val length: l: DList<'T> -> int
O(1). Returns the count of elememts.
val lengthOfList3': int
val length: source: 'Foldable<'T> -> int (requires member Length)
<summary>Gets the number of elements in the foldable.</summary>
<category index="11">Foldable</category>
<param name="source">The input foldable.</param>
<returns>The length of the foldable.</returns>
val headOf3: int
Multiple items
val head: l: DList<'T> -> 'T
O(log n). Returns the first element.
static member DList.head: data: DListData<'a1> -> 'a1
val headOf3': int
val head: source: 'Foldable<'T> -> 'T (requires member Head)
<summary>Gets the first element of the foldable.</summary>
<category index="11">Foldable</category>
<param name="source">The input flodable.</param>
<exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the foldable is empty.</exception>
<returns>The first element of the foldable.</returns>