
FlatList Module

Functions and values

Function or value Description

FlatList.append arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.append arg1 arg2

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Creates a flatlist that contains the elements of one flatlist followed by the elements of another flatlist.

arg0 : FlatList<'T>
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.collect arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.collect arg1 arg2

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Applies the supplied function to each element of a flatlist, concatenates the results, and returns the combined flatlist.

arg0 : 'T -> FlatList<'T>
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.concat arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.concat arg1

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Creates a flatlist that contains the elements of each of the supplied sequence of flatlists.

arg0 : FlatList<'T[]>
Returns: FlatList<'T>


Full Usage: FlatList.empty

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(1). Returns flatlist of no elements.

Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.exists arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.exists arg1 arg2

Returns: bool

O(n) worst case. Tests whether any element of a flatlist satisfies the supplied predicate.

arg0 : 'T -> bool
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: bool

FlatList.filter arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.filter arg1 arg2

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Returns a flatlist that contains only the elements of the supplied flatlist for which the supplied condition returns true.

arg0 : 'T -> bool
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.fold arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: FlatList.fold arg1 arg2 arg3

    arg0 : 'State -> 'T -> 'State
    arg1 : 'State
    arg2 : FlatList<'T>

Returns: 'State

O(n). Applies a function to each element of a flatlist from left to right (first to last), threading an accumulator argument through the computation.

arg0 : 'State -> 'T -> 'State
arg1 : 'State
arg2 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: 'State

FlatList.fold2 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

Full Usage: FlatList.fold2 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

    arg0 : 'State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State
    arg1 : 'State
    arg2 : FlatList<'T1>
    arg3 : FlatList<'T2>

Returns: 'State

O(n). Applies a function to pairs of elements from two supplied flatlists, left-to-right, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. The two input flatlists must have the same lengths; otherwise, ArgumentException is raised.

arg0 : 'State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State
arg1 : 'State
arg2 : FlatList<'T1>
arg3 : FlatList<'T2>
Returns: 'State

FlatList.foldBack arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: FlatList.foldBack arg1 arg2 arg3

    arg0 : 'T -> 'State -> 'State
    arg1 : FlatList<'T>
    arg2 : 'State

Returns: 'State

O(n). Applies a function to each element of a flatlist from right to left (last to first), threading an accumulator argument through the computation.

arg0 : 'T -> 'State -> 'State
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
arg2 : 'State
Returns: 'State

FlatList.foldBack2 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

Full Usage: FlatList.foldBack2 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

    arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State
    arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
    arg2 : FlatList<'T2>
    arg3 : 'State

Returns: 'State

O(n). Applies a function to pairs of elements from two supplied flatlists, right-to-left, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. The two input flatlists must have the same lengths; otherwise, ArgumentException is raised.

arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State
arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
arg2 : FlatList<'T2>
arg3 : 'State
Returns: 'State

FlatList.forall arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.forall arg1 arg2

Returns: bool

O(n). Tests whether all elements of a flatlist satisfy the supplied condition.

arg0 : 'T -> bool
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: bool

FlatList.forall2 arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: FlatList.forall2 arg1 arg2 arg3

Returns: bool

O(n). Tests whether all corresponding elements of two supplied flatlists satisfy a supplied condition.

arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> bool
arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
arg2 : FlatList<'T2>
Returns: bool

FlatList.init arg1 f

Full Usage: FlatList.init arg1 f

    arg0 : int
    f : int -> 'T

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Uses a supplied function to create a flatlist of the supplied dimension.

arg0 : int
f : int -> 'T
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.isEmpty arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.isEmpty arg1

Returns: bool

O(1). O(1). Returns true if the flatlist has no elements.

arg0 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: bool

FlatList.iter arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.iter arg1 arg2


O(n). Applies the supplied function to each element of a flatlist.

arg0 : 'T -> unit
arg1 : FlatList<'T>

FlatList.iter2 arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: FlatList.iter2 arg1 arg2 arg3


O(n). Applies the supplied function to a pair of elements from matching indexes in two flatlists, also passing the index of the elements. The two flatlists must have the same lengths; otherwise, an ArgumentException is raised.

arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit
arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
arg2 : FlatList<'T2>

FlatList.iteri arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.iteri arg1 arg2

    arg0 : int -> 'T -> unit
    arg1 : FlatList<'T>

O(n). Applies the supplied function to each element of a flatlist. The integer passed to the function indicates the index of the element.

arg0 : int -> 'T -> unit
arg1 : FlatList<'T>

FlatList.length arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.length arg1

Returns: int

O(1). Returns the number of items in the flatlist.

arg0 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: int

FlatList.map arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.map arg1 arg2

    arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2
    arg1 : FlatList<'T1>

Returns: FlatList<'T2>

O(n). Creates a flatlist whose elements are the results of applying the supplied function to each of the elements of a supplied flatlist.

arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2
arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
Returns: FlatList<'T2>

FlatList.map2 arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: FlatList.map2 arg1 arg2 arg3

Returns: FlatList<'T3>

O(n). Creates a flatlist whose elements are the results of applying the supplied function to the corresponding elements of two supplied flatlists. The two input flatlists must have the same lengths; otherwise, ArgumentException is raised.

arg0 : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3
arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
arg2 : FlatList<'T2>
Returns: FlatList<'T3>

FlatList.mapi arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.mapi arg1 arg2

    arg0 : int -> 'T1 -> 'T2
    arg1 : FlatList<'T1>

Returns: FlatList<'T2>

O(n). Creates a flatlist whose elements are the results of applying the supplied function to each of the elements of a supplied flatlist. An integer index passed to the function indicates the index of the element being transformed.

arg0 : int -> 'T1 -> 'T2
arg1 : FlatList<'T1>
Returns: FlatList<'T2>

FlatList.ofList arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.ofList arg1

    arg0 : 'T list

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Creates a flatlist from the supplied list.

arg0 : 'T list
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.ofSeq arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.ofSeq arg1

    arg0 : seq<'T>

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Creates a flatlist from the supplied enumerable object.

arg0 : seq<'T>
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.partition arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.partition arg1 arg2

Returns: FlatList<'T> * FlatList<'T>

O(n). Splits a flatlist into two flatlists, one containing the elements for which the supplied condition returns true, and the other containing those for which it returns false.

arg0 : 'T -> bool
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: FlatList<'T> * FlatList<'T>

FlatList.physicalEquality arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.physicalEquality arg1 arg2

Returns: bool

O(1). True if the flatlists are reference-equal, false otherwise

arg0 : FlatList<'T>
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: bool

FlatList.rev arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.rev arg1

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(n). Reverses the order of the elements in a supplied array.

arg0 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.singleton arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.singleton arg1

    arg0 : 'T

Returns: FlatList<'T>

O(1). Returns a flatlist of one element.

arg0 : 'T
Returns: FlatList<'T>

FlatList.sum arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.sum arg1

Returns: int

O(n). Returns the sum of the elements in the flatlist.

arg0 : FlatList<int>
Returns: int

FlatList.sumBy arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.sumBy arg1 arg2

Returns: int

O(n). Returns the sum of the results generated by applying a function to each element of a flatlist.

arg0 : 'T -> int
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: int

FlatList.toList arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.toList arg1

Returns: 'T list

O(n). Converts the supplied flatlist to a list.

arg0 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: 'T list

FlatList.toMap arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.toMap arg1

Returns: Map<'Key, 'T>

O(n). Converts the supplied flatlist of tuple pairs to a map.

arg0 : FlatList<'Key * 'T>
Returns: Map<'Key, 'T>

FlatList.tryFind arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.tryFind arg1 arg2

Returns: 'T option

O(n). Returns the first element in the supplied flatlist for which the supplied function returns true. Returns None if no such element exists.

arg0 : 'T -> bool
arg1 : FlatList<'T>
Returns: 'T option

FlatList.unzip arg1

Full Usage: FlatList.unzip arg1

Returns: FlatList<'T1> * FlatList<'T2>

O(n). Splits a flatlist of tuple pairs into a tuple of two flatlists.

arg0 : FlatList<'T1 * 'T2>
Returns: FlatList<'T1> * FlatList<'T2>

FlatList.zip arg1 arg2

Full Usage: FlatList.zip arg1 arg2

Returns: FlatList<'T1 * 'T2>

O(n). Combines two flatlists into a flatlist of tuples that have two elements. The two flatlists must have equal lengths; otherwise, ArgumentException is raised.

arg0 : FlatList<'T1>
arg1 : FlatList<'T2>
Returns: FlatList<'T1 * 'T2>