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Tables<'tok> Type

Tables generated by fsyacc The type of the tables contained in a file produced by the fsyacc.exe parser generator.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: actionTableElements

Field type: uint16[]

The sparse action table elements

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: actionTableRowOffsets

Field type: uint16[]

The sparse action table row offsets

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: dataOfToken

Field type: 'tok -> obj

A function to compute the data carried by a token

Field type: 'tok -> obj


Full Usage: endOfInputTag

Field type: int

The token number indicating the end of input

Field type: int


Full Usage: gotos

Field type: uint16[]

The sparse goto table

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: immediateActions

Field type: uint16[]

The immediate action table

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: numTerminals

Field type: int

The total number of terminals

Field type: int


Full Usage: parseError

Field type: ParseErrorContext<'tok> -> unit

This function is used to hold the user specified "parse_error" or "parse_error_rich" functions

Field type: ParseErrorContext<'tok> -> unit


Full Usage: productionToNonTerminalTable

Field type: uint16[]

This table is logically part of the Goto table

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: reductionSymbolCounts

Field type: uint16[]

The number of symbols for each reduction

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: reductions

Field type: (IParseState -> obj) array

The reduction table

Field type: (IParseState -> obj) array


Full Usage: sparseGotoTableRowOffsets

Field type: uint16[]

The sparse goto table row offsets

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: stateToProdIdxsTableElements

Field type: uint16[]

The sparse table for the productions active for each state

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: stateToProdIdxsTableRowOffsets

Field type: uint16[]

The sparse table offsets for the productions active for each state

Field type: uint16[]


Full Usage: tagOfErrorTerminal

Field type: int

The tag of the error terminal

Field type: int


Full Usage: tagOfToken

Field type: 'tok -> int

A function to compute the tag of a token

Field type: 'tok -> int

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Interpret

Returns: obj

Interpret the parser table taking input from the given lexer, using the given lex buffer, and the given start state. Returns an object indicating the final synthesized value for the parse.

lexer : LexBuffer<'char> -> 'tok
lexbuf : LexBuffer<'char>
startState : int
Returns: obj

Type something to start searching.