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ArguAttributes Module

Argu Attribute declaration module


Type Description


Declares a set of secondary CLI identifiers for the current parameter. Does not replace the default identifier which is either auto-generated or specified by the CustomCommandLine attribute.


Specify a custom value separator in AppSettings parsing parameters. Used in CSV or list-based parameter parsing.


Declares that argument should be placed at specific position.


Specifies a custom prefix for auto-generated CLI names. This defaults to double dash ('--').


Use '--param:arg' or '--param key:value' assignment syntax in CLI. Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 or 2 only.


Use '--param:arg' assignment syntax in CLI. Parameters can also be assigned using space as separator e.g. '--param arg' Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 only.


Declares a custom key identifier for the current parameter in AppSettings parsing. Replaces the auto-generated identifier name.


Use a custom separator for parameter assignment. e.g. '--paramarg' or '--param keyvalue'. Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 or 2 only. Can be used to specify any assignment separator.


Use a custom separator for parameter assignment. e.g. '--paramarg' Parameters can also be assigned using space as separator e.g. '--param arg' Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 only. Can be used to specify any assignment separator.


Declares a custom default CLI identifier for the current parameter. Replaces the auto-generated identifier name.


Specifies that Help/Usage switches should be disabled for the CLI.


Use '--param=arg' or '--param key=value' assignment syntax in CLI. Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 or 2 only.


Use '--param=arg' assignment syntax in CLI. Parameters can also be assigned using space as separator e.g. '--param arg' Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 only.


Demands that the argument should be specified exactly once; a parse exception is raised otherwise. Equivalent to attaching both the Mandatory and Unique attribute on the parameter.


Declares that argument can only be placed at the beginning of the CLI syntax. A parse exception will be raised if that is not the case.


Requires that CLI parameters should not override AppSettings parameters. Will return parsed results from both AppSettings and CLI.


Denotes that the given argument should accumulate any unrecognized arguments it encounters. Must contain a single field of type string


Specifies a custom description text for the Help/Usage switches in the usage string.


Specifies a custom set of Help/Usage switches for the CLI.


Hides argument from command line argument usage string.


Denotes that the given argument should be inherited in the scope of any subcommands.


Declares that argument can only be placed at the end of the CLI syntax. A parse exception will be raised if that is not the case.


Declares that argument is the main command of the CLI syntax. Arguments are specified without requiring a switch.


Demands at least one parsed result for this argument; a parse exception is raised otherwise.


Disable AppSettings parsing for this branch. Use for CLI parsing only.


Disable CLI parsing for this argument. Use for AppSettings parsing only.


Demands that at least one subcommand is specified in the CLI; a parse exception is raised otherwise.


Declares that argument is a subcommand. A parse exception will be raised if the argument has parameters and their type is not ParseResults<_>. Implicit if the argument does have a parameter of type ParseResults<_>.


Demands that the argument should be specified at most once; a parse exception is raised otherwise.

Type something to start searching.