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The library is based on the simple observation that configuration parameters can be naturally described using discriminated unions. For instance:

type Arguments =
    | Working_Directory of path: string
    | Listener of host: string * port: int
    | Log_Level of level: int
    | Detach

Argu takes such discriminated unions and generates a corresponding argument parsing scheme. For example, a parser generated from the above template would take the following command line input

--working-directory /var/run --listener localhost 8080 --detach

and parse it into the list

[ Working_Directory "/var/run" ; Listener("localhost", 8080) ; Detach ]

Argu is also capable of reading the AppSettings section of an application's configuration file:

    <add key="working directory" value="C:\temp" />
    <add key="listener" value=", 2675" />
    <add key="log level" value="3" />
    <add key="detach" value="true" />

Both XML configuration and command line arguments can be parsed at the same time. By default, command line parameters override their corresponding XML configuration.

Basic Usage

A minimal parser based on the above example can be created as follows:

open Argu

type CliArguments =
    | Working_Directory of path: string
    | Listener of host: string * port: int
    | Data of base64: byte[]
    | Port of tcp_port: int
    | Log_Level of level: int
    | Detach

    interface IArgParserTemplate with
        member s.Usage =
            match s with
            | Working_Directory _ -> "specify a working directory."
            | Listener _ -> "specify a listener (hostname : port)."
            | Data _ -> "binary data in base64 encoding."
            | Port _ -> "specify a primary port."
            | Log_Level _ -> "set the log level."
            | Detach -> "detach daemon from console."

We extract the argument parser from the template using the following command:

let parser = ArgumentParser.Create<CliArguments>(programName = "gadget.exe")

We can get the automatically generated usage string by typing

let usage = parser.PrintUsage()


USAGE: gadget.exe [--help] [--working-directory <path>] [--listener <host> <port>] [--data <base64>]
                  [--port <tcp port>] [--log-level <level>] [--detach]


    --working-directory <path>
                          specify a working directory.
    --listener <host> <port>
                          specify a listener (hostname : port).
    --data <base64>       binary data in base64 encoding.
    --port <tcp port>     specify a primary port.
    --log-level <level>   set the log level.
    --detach              detach daemon from console.
    --help                display this list of options.

To parse a command line input:

let results = parser.Parse [| "--detach"; "--listener"; "localhost" ; "8080" |]

which gives

let all = results.GetAllResults() // [ Detach; Listener ("localhost", 8080) ]

Querying Parameters

While getting a single list of all parsed results might be useful for some cases, it is more likely that you need to query the results for specific parameters:

let detach = results.Contains Detach
let listener = results.GetResults Listener

The following methods return the last observed result for given argument case

let dataOpt = results.TryGetResult Data
let logLevel = results.GetResult(Log_Level, defaultValue = 0)

Querying using quotations enables a simple and type safe way to deconstruct parse results into their constituent values.


The parsing behaviour of the configuration parameters can be customized by fixing attributes to the union cases:

type Argument =
    | [<Mandatory>] Cache_Path of path: string
    | [<NoCommandLine>] Connection_String of conn: string
    | [<Unique>] Listener of host: string * port: int
    | [<EqualsAssignment>] Assignment of value: string
    | [<EqualsAssignmentOrSpaced>] AssignmentOrSpace of value: string
    | [<AltCommandLine("-p")>] Primary_Port of tcp_port: int

In this case,

Many more attributes are also available, such as

Please see the API Reference for a complete list of all attributes provided by Argu.

Supported Primitives

Arguments can specify the following primitives as parameters:

Optional and List parameters

Additionally, it is possible to specify argument parameters that are either optional or lists:

type VariadicParameters =
    | [<EqualsAssignment>] Enable_Logging of path: string option
    | Tcp_Ports of port: int list

which results in the following syntax:

USAGE: gadget.exe [--help] [--enable-logging[=<path>]] [--tcp-ports [<port>...]]


    --enable-logging[=<path>]  enable logging for the process; optionally path to the logfile can be specified.
    --tcp-ports [<port>...]    specify a list of TCP ports for the process.
    --help                     display this list of options.

Note that arguments that use optional or list must have precisely one parameter.

Enumeration parameters

Argu can also accept enumerations as parameters:

type MyEnum =
    | First  = 1
    | Second = 2
    | Third  = 3

type EnumArguments =
    | Get_Enum of MyEnum

which results in the syntax

USAGE: gadget.exe [--help] [--get-enum <first|second|third>]


    --get-enum <first|second|third>
                          specify either of 'first', 'second' or 'third'.
    --help                display this list of options.

Note that it is possible to specify F# unions instead of enumerations in this context, provided that these do not specify any parameters in any of their cases.

Main commands

Arguments carrying the MainCommand attribute can be used to specify the main set of arguments for the CLI. These arguments can be passed without the need to specify a switch identifier.

type WGetArguments =
    | Quiet
    | No_Check_Certificate
    | [<MainCommand; ExactlyOnce; Last>] Urls of url: string list

which generates the syntax

USAGE: wget [--help] [--quiet] [--no-check-certificate] <url>...


    <url>...              List of urls to download from.


    --quiet               Turn off Wget's output.
                          Don't check the server certificate.
    --help                display this list of options.


As of Argu 3.0, it is possible to provide nested, contextual parsing. For example, consider this mock git CLI syntax:

type CleanArgs =
    | D
    | F
    | X

    interface IArgParserTemplate with
        member this.Usage =
            match this with
            | D -> "Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files"
            | F -> "Git clean will refuse to delete files or directories unless given -f."
            | X -> "Remove only files ignored by Git."
and CommitArgs =
    | Amend
    | [<AltCommandLine("-p")>] Patch
    | [<AltCommandLine("-m")>] Message of msg: string

    interface IArgParserTemplate with
        member this.Usage =
            match this with
            | Amend -> "Replace the tip of the current branch by creating a new commit."
            | Patch -> "Use the interactive patch selection interface to chose which changes to commit."
            | Message _ -> "Use the given <msg> as the commit message. "
and GitArgs =
    | Version
    | [<AltCommandLine("-v")>] Verbose
    | [<CliPrefix(CliPrefix.None)>] Clean of ParseResults<CleanArgs>
    | [<CliPrefix(CliPrefix.None)>] Commit of ParseResults<CommitArgs>

    interface IArgParserTemplate with
        member this.Usage =
            match this with
            | Version -> "Prints the Git suite version that the git program came from."
            | Verbose -> "Print a lot of output to stdout."
            | Clean _ -> "Remove untracked files from the working tree."
            | Commit _ -> "Record changes to the repository."

and the following console app entrypoint

let main argv =
        parser.ParseCommandLine(inputs = argv, raiseOnUsage = true) |> ignore
    with :? ArguParseException as e -> eprintfn "%s" e.Message; 1

which generates the following syntax on corresponding command and subcommand help requests:

USAGE: git [--help] [--version] [--verbose] [<subcommand> [<options>]]


    clean <options>       Remove untracked files from the working tree.
    commit <options>      Record changes to the repository.

    Use 'git <subcommand> --help' for additional information.


    --version             Prints the Git suite version that the git program came from.
    --verbose, -v         Print a lot of output to stdout.
    --help                display this list of options.

and for the subcommand:

USAGE: git commit [--help] [--amend] [--patch] [--message <msg>]


    --amend               Replace the tip of the current branch by creating a new commit.
    --patch, -p           Use the interactive patch selection interface to chose which changes to commit.
    --message, -m <msg>   Use the given <msg> as the commit message.
    --help                display this list of options.

This allows specifying parameters that are particular to a subcommand context. For instance, git clean -fdx parses correctly to [Clean [F; D; X]], however git -f or git commit -f will both result in a parse error:

ERROR: unrecognized argument: '-f'.

Inheriting parent arguments

Switches specified in the parent argument union do not automatically make it to the syntax of the child subcommand. For example the command

git clean --version

will result in parse error since Version is not a part of the subcommand syntax, but one of its parent syntax. It is possible to parent options visible inside subcommands by attaching the InheritAttribute to switches.

type GitArgs =
    | [<Inherit>] Version

which would make the aforementioned syntax valid.

Post Processing

It should be noted here that arbitrary unions are not supported by the parser. Union cases can only contain fields of primitive types. This means that user-defined parsers are not supported. For configuration inputs that are non-trivial, a post-process facility is provided

NOTE prior to version 6.2.0, these methods were called PostProcessResult, PostProcessResults, TryPostProcessResult

let parsePort p =
    if p < 0 || p > int UInt16.MaxValue then
        failwith "invalid port number."
    else p

let ports = results.GetResults(Port, parsePort)

This construct is useful since error handling is delegated to the mechanisms of Argu.

Unparsing Support

Argu is convenient when it comes to automated process spawning:

open System.Diagnostics

let arguments = parser.PrintCommandLineArgumentsFlat [ Port 42; Working_Directory "temp" ]

Process.Start("foo.exe", arguments)

It can also be used to auto-generate a suitable AppSettings configuration file:

let xml = parser.PrintAppSettingsArguments [ Port 42; Working_Directory "/tmp" ]

which would yield the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <!-- sets the port number. : port -->
    <add key="port" value="42" />
    <!-- sets the working directory. : path -->
    <add key="working directory" value="/tmp" />

More Examples

Check out the samples folder for CLI implementations that use Argu.

namespace System
type Arguments = | Working_Directory of path: string | Listener of host: string * port: int | Log_Level of level: int | Detach
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = String
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
namespace Argu
union case Arguments.Working_Directory: path: string -> Arguments
union case Arguments.Listener: host: string * port: int -> Arguments
Multiple items
namespace System.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
Multiple items
val byte: value: 'T -> byte (requires member op_Explicit)

type byte = Byte

type byte<'Measure> = byte
union case Arguments.Log_Level: level: int -> Arguments
union case Arguments.Detach: Arguments
type IArgParserTemplate = abstract Usage: string
<summary> Interface that must be implemented by all Argu template types </summary>
val s: CliArguments
union case CliArguments.Working_Directory: path: string -> CliArguments
union case CliArguments.Listener: host: string * port: int -> CliArguments
Multiple items
union case CliArguments.Data: base64: byte array -> CliArguments

namespace System.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
union case CliArguments.Port: tcp_port: int -> CliArguments
union case CliArguments.Log_Level: level: int -> CliArguments
union case CliArguments.Detach: CliArguments
val parser: ArgumentParser<CliArguments>
Multiple items
type ArgumentParser = abstract Accept: visitor: IArgumentParserVisitor<'R> -> 'R member GetArgumentCases: unit -> ArgumentCaseInfo list member GetSubCommandParsers: unit -> ArgumentParser list member PrintCommandLineSyntax: ?programName: string * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int -> string member PrintUsage: ?message: string * ?programName: string * ?hideSyntax: bool * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int -> string static member Create: ?programName: string * ?helpTextMessage: string * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int * ?errorHandler: IExiter * ?checkStructure: bool -> ArgumentParser<#IArgParserTemplate> member ErrorHandler: IExiter member HelpDescription: string member HelpFlags: string list member HelpTextMessage: string option ...
<summary> The Argu type generates an argument parser given a type argument that is an F# discriminated union. It can then be used to parse command line arguments or XML configuration. </summary>

type ArgumentParser<'Template (requires 'Template :> IArgParserTemplate)> = inherit ArgumentParser new: ?programName: string * ?helpTextMessage: string * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int * ?errorHandler: IExiter * ?checkStructure: bool -> ArgumentParser<'Template> override Accept: visitor: IArgumentParserVisitor<'a1> -> 'a1 member GetArgumentCaseInfo: value: 'Template -> ArgumentCaseInfo + 1 overload member GetSubCommandParser: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Expr<(ParseResults<'SubTemplate> -> 'Template)> -> ArgumentParser<'SubTemplate> (requires 'SubTemplate :> IArgParserTemplate) member GetTag: value: 'Template -> int member Parse: ?inputs: string array * ?configurationReader: IConfigurationReader * ?ignoreMissing: bool * ?ignoreUnrecognized: bool * ?raiseOnUsage: bool -> ParseResults<'Template> member ParseCommandLine: ?inputs: string array * ?ignoreMissing: bool * ?ignoreUnrecognized: bool * ?raiseOnUsage: bool -> ParseResults<'Template> member ParseConfiguration: configurationReader: IConfigurationReader * ?ignoreMissing: bool -> ParseResults<'Template> member PrintAppSettingsArguments: args: 'Template list * ?printComments: bool -> string ...
<summary> The Argu type generates an argument parser given a type argument that is an F# discriminated union. It can then be used to parse command line arguments or XML configuration. </summary>

new: ?programName: string * ?helpTextMessage: string * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int * ?errorHandler: IExiter * ?checkStructure: bool -> ArgumentParser<'Template>
static member ArgumentParser.Create: ?programName: string * ?helpTextMessage: string * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int * ?errorHandler: IExiter * ?checkStructure: bool -> ArgumentParser<#IArgParserTemplate>
type CliArguments = | Working_Directory of path: string | Listener of host: string * port: int | Data of base64: byte array | Port of tcp_port: int | Log_Level of level: int | Detach interface IArgParserTemplate
val usage: string
member ArgumentParser.PrintUsage: ?message: string * ?programName: string * ?hideSyntax: bool * ?usageStringCharacterWidth: int -> string
val results: ParseResults<CliArguments>
member ArgumentParser.Parse: ?inputs: string array * ?configurationReader: IConfigurationReader * ?ignoreMissing: bool * ?ignoreUnrecognized: bool * ?raiseOnUsage: bool -> ParseResults<'Template>
val all: CliArguments list
member ParseResults.GetAllResults: ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template list
val detach: bool
member ParseResults.Contains: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * ?source: ParseSource -> bool
member ParseResults.Contains: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<'Template> * ?source: ParseSource -> bool
val listener: (string * int) list
member ParseResults.GetResults: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Field list
member ParseResults.GetResults: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<'Template> * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template list
member ParseResults.GetResults: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * parser: ('Field -> 'R) * ?source: ParseSource -> 'R list
val dataOpt: byte array option
member ParseResults.TryGetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Field option
member ParseResults.TryGetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<'Template> * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template option
member ParseResults.TryGetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * parser: ('Field -> 'R) * ?source: ParseSource -> 'R option
val logLevel: int
member ParseResults.GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * parser: ('Field -> 'R) * ?source: ParseSource -> 'R
member ParseResults.GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * ?defaultValue: 'Field * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Field
member ParseResults.GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<'Template> * ?defaultValue: 'Template * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template
member ParseResults.GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * defThunk: (unit -> 'Field) * ?source: ParseSource * ?errorCode: ErrorCode * ?showUsage: bool -> 'Field
member ParseResults.GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * defaultValue: 'Field * parser: ('Field -> 'R) * ?source: ParseSource * ?errorCode: ErrorCode * ?showUsage: bool -> 'R
member ParseResults.GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Quotations.Expr<('Field -> 'Template)> * defThunk: (unit -> 'Field) * parser: ('Field -> 'R) * ?source: ParseSource * ?errorCode: ErrorCode * ?showUsage: bool -> 'R
type Argument = | Cache_Path of path: string | Connection_String of conn: string | Listener of host: string * port: int | Assignment of value: string | AssignmentOrSpace of value: string | Primary_Port of tcp_port: int
Multiple items
type MandatoryAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> MandatoryAttribute
<summary> Demands at least one parsed result for this argument; a parse exception is raised otherwise. </summary>

new: unit -> MandatoryAttribute
Multiple items
type NoCommandLineAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> NoCommandLineAttribute
<summary> Disable CLI parsing for this argument. Use for AppSettings parsing only. </summary>

new: unit -> NoCommandLineAttribute
Multiple items
type UniqueAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> UniqueAttribute
<summary> Demands that the argument should be specified at most once; a parse exception is raised otherwise. </summary>

new: unit -> UniqueAttribute
Multiple items
type EqualsAssignmentAttribute = inherit CustomAssignmentAttribute new: unit -> EqualsAssignmentAttribute
<summary> Use '--param=arg' or '--param key=value' assignment syntax in CLI. Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 or 2 only. </summary>

new: unit -> EqualsAssignmentAttribute
Multiple items
type EqualsAssignmentOrSpacedAttribute = inherit CustomAssignmentOrSpacedAttribute new: unit -> EqualsAssignmentOrSpacedAttribute
<summary> Use '--param=arg' assignment syntax in CLI. Parameters can also be assigned using space as separator e.g. '--param arg' Requires that the argument should have parameters of arity 1 only. </summary>

new: unit -> EqualsAssignmentOrSpacedAttribute
Multiple items
type AltCommandLineAttribute = inherit Attribute new: [<ParamArray>] names: string array -> AltCommandLineAttribute member Names: string array
<summary> Declares a set of secondary CLI identifiers for the current parameter. Does not replace the default identifier which is either auto-generated or specified by the CustomCommandLine attribute. </summary>

new: [<ParamArray>] names: string array -> AltCommandLineAttribute
type VariadicParameters = | Enable_Logging of path: string option | Tcp_Ports of port: int list
type 'T option = Option<'T>
type 'T list = List<'T>
[<Struct>] type MyEnum = | First = 1 | Second = 2 | Third = 3
Multiple items
type FirstAttribute = inherit CliPositionAttribute new: unit -> FirstAttribute
<summary> Declares that argument can only be placed at the beginning of the CLI syntax. A parse exception will be raised if that is not the case. </summary>

new: unit -> FirstAttribute
type EnumArguments = | Get_Enum of MyEnum
type WGetArguments = | Quiet | No_Check_Certificate | Urls of url: string list
Multiple items
type MainCommandAttribute = inherit Attribute new: argumentName: string -> MainCommandAttribute + 1 overload member ArgumentName: string
<summary> Declares that argument is the main command of the CLI syntax. Arguments are specified without requiring a switch. </summary>

new: unit -> MainCommandAttribute
new: argumentName: string -> MainCommandAttribute
Multiple items
type ExactlyOnceAttribute = inherit Attribute new: unit -> ExactlyOnceAttribute
<summary> Demands that the argument should be specified exactly once; a parse exception is raised otherwise. Equivalent to attaching both the Mandatory and Unique attribute on the parameter. </summary>

new: unit -> ExactlyOnceAttribute
Multiple items
type LastAttribute = inherit CliPositionAttribute new: unit -> LastAttribute
<summary> Declares that argument can only be placed at the end of the CLI syntax. A parse exception will be raised if that is not the case. </summary>

new: unit -> LastAttribute
Multiple items
module CliPrefix from Argu
<summary> Predefined CLI prefixes to be added </summary>

type CliPrefixAttribute = inherit Attribute new: prefix: string -> CliPrefixAttribute member Prefix: string
<summary> Specifies a custom prefix for auto-generated CLI names. This defaults to double dash ('--'). </summary>

new: prefix: string -> CliPrefixAttribute
[<Literal>] val Dash: string = "-"
<summary> Single Dash prefix '-' </summary>
union case CleanArgs.D: CleanArgs
union case CleanArgs.F: CleanArgs
union case CleanArgs.X: CleanArgs
val this: CleanArgs
type CommitArgs = | Amend | Patch | Message of msg: string interface IArgParserTemplate
val this: CommitArgs
union case CommitArgs.Amend: CommitArgs
union case CommitArgs.Patch: CommitArgs
union case CommitArgs.Message: msg: string -> CommitArgs
type GitArgs = | Version | Verbose | Clean of ParseResults<CleanArgs> | Commit of ParseResults<CommitArgs> interface IArgParserTemplate
Multiple items
type Version = interface ICloneable interface IComparable interface IComparable<Version> interface IEquatable<Version> interface ISpanFormattable interface IFormattable new: unit -> unit + 4 overloads member Clone: unit -> obj member CompareTo: version: obj -> int + 1 overload member Equals: obj: obj -> bool + 1 overload ...
<summary>Represents the version number of an assembly, operating system, or the common language runtime. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>

Version() : Version
Version(version: string) : Version
Version(major: int, minor: int) : Version
Version(major: int, minor: int, build: int) : Version
Version(major: int, minor: int, build: int, revision: int) : Version
[<Literal>] val None: string = ""
<summary> No Cli Prefix </summary>
type ParseResults<'Template (requires 'Template :> IArgParserTemplate)> = interface IComparable interface IParseResult member Catch: f: (unit -> 'T) * ?errorCode: ErrorCode * ?showUsage: bool -> 'T member Contains: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Expr<'Template> * ?source: ParseSource -> bool + 1 overload override Equals: other: obj -> bool member GetAllResults: ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template list override GetHashCode: unit -> int member GetResult: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Expr<'Template> * ?defaultValue: 'Template * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template + 5 overloads member GetResults: [<ReflectedDefinition>] expr: Expr<'Template> * ?source: ParseSource -> 'Template list + 2 overloads member GetSubCommand: unit -> 'Template ...
<summary> Argument parsing result holder. </summary>
type CleanArgs = | D | F | X interface IArgParserTemplate
val this: GitArgs
Multiple items
union case GitArgs.Version: GitArgs

type Version = interface ICloneable interface IComparable interface IComparable<Version> interface IEquatable<Version> interface ISpanFormattable interface IFormattable new: unit -> unit + 4 overloads member Clone: unit -> obj member CompareTo: version: obj -> int + 1 overload member Equals: obj: obj -> bool + 1 overload ...
<summary>Represents the version number of an assembly, operating system, or the common language runtime. This class cannot be inherited.</summary>

Version() : Version
Version(version: string) : Version
Version(major: int, minor: int) : Version
Version(major: int, minor: int, build: int) : Version
Version(major: int, minor: int, build: int, revision: int) : Version
union case GitArgs.Verbose: GitArgs
union case GitArgs.Clean: ParseResults<CleanArgs> -> GitArgs
union case GitArgs.Commit: ParseResults<CommitArgs> -> GitArgs
val main: argv: string array -> int
val argv: string array
member ArgumentParser.ParseCommandLine: ?inputs: string array * ?ignoreMissing: bool * ?ignoreUnrecognized: bool * ?raiseOnUsage: bool -> ParseResults<'Template>
val ignore: value: 'T -> unit
type ArguParseException = inherit ArguException member ErrorCode: ErrorCode
<summary> Parse exception raised by Argu </summary>
val e: ArguParseException
val eprintfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
property Exception.Message: string with get
type GitArgs = | Version
val parsePort: p: int -> int
val p: int
[<Struct>] type UInt16 = member CompareTo: value: obj -> int + 1 overload member Equals: obj: obj -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member GetTypeCode: unit -> TypeCode member ToString: unit -> string + 3 overloads member TryFormat: destination: Span<char> * charsWritten: byref<int> * ?format: ReadOnlySpan<char> * ?provider: IFormatProvider -> bool static member Parse: s: ReadOnlySpan<char> * ?style: NumberStyles * ?provider: IFormatProvider -> uint16 + 4 overloads static member TryParse: s: ReadOnlySpan<char> * style: NumberStyles * provider: IFormatProvider * result: byref<uint16> -> bool + 3 overloads static val MaxValue: uint16 static val MinValue: uint16
<summary>Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
field UInt16.MaxValue: uint16 = 65535us
val failwith: message: string -> 'T
val ports: int list
namespace System.Diagnostics
val arguments: string
member ArgumentParser.PrintCommandLineArgumentsFlat: args: 'Template list -> string
Multiple items
type Process = inherit Component interface IDisposable new: unit -> unit member BeginErrorReadLine: unit -> unit member BeginOutputReadLine: unit -> unit member CancelErrorRead: unit -> unit member CancelOutputRead: unit -> unit member Close: unit -> unit member CloseMainWindow: unit -> bool member Kill: unit -> unit + 1 overload ...
<summary>Provides access to local and remote processes and enables you to start and stop local system processes.</summary>

Process() : Process
Process.Start(fileName: string) : Process
Process.Start(startInfo: ProcessStartInfo) : Process
Process.Start(fileName: string, arguments: Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>) : Process
Process.Start(fileName: string, arguments: string) : Process
Process.Start(fileName: string, userName: string, password: Security.SecureString, domain: string) : Process
Process.Start(fileName: string, arguments: string, userName: string, password: Security.SecureString, domain: string) : Process
val xml: string
member ArgumentParser.PrintAppSettingsArguments: args: 'Template list * ?printComments: bool -> string

Type something to start searching.