

F# Data Toolbox: Twitter type provider

The Twitter type provider makes Twitter data easily accessible by providing a light wrapper around the Twitter API.

Connecting to Twitter

Twitter requires developers to register their applications to gain access to its API. You have to register your application at Twitter Apps. After registration, Twitter provides API key and API secret to authenticate the application.

You can use FSharp.Data.Toolbox in dotnet interactive notebooks in Visual Studio Code or Jupyter, or in F# scripts (.fsx files), by referencing the package as follows:

// Use one of the following two lines
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data.Toolbox.Twitter" // Use the latest version
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data.Toolbox.Twitter,0.20.2" // Use a specific version
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data"

open FSharp.Data.Toolbox.Twitter
open FSharp.Data

let key = "mKQL29XNemjQbLlQ8t0pBg"
let secret = "T27HLDve1lumQykBUgYAbcEkbDrjBe6gwbu0gqi4saM"

There are two types of possible connections to Twitter, application-only and full OAuth authentication. They provide different access rights and different number of allowed requests per time window.

Connecting with application-only authentication

The application-only authentication provides access that's limited to data reachable without the full user context. For example, it allows accessing friends and followers and searching in tweets. This is how the application obtains acess credentials:

let twitter = Twitter.AuthenticateAppOnly(key, secret)

Connecting with OAuth

This method of access provides full user context for the application. Compared to application-only access, it can also access Streaming, search for users and post tweets on behalf of the user.

To connect with OAuth, we first create a Twitter connector. with your user name and password. You'll get a PIN that you use as an argument for the Connect function. This user authentication allows full access to Twitter APIs.

let connector = Twitter.Authenticate(key, secret) 

// Run this part after you obtain PIN
let twitter = connector.Connect("8779691")

Twitter login window

After connecting to Twitter, you can call methods to access Twitter users, list followers and friends, search for tweets and access the global Twitter stream. All the methods send http requests to Twitter and return JSON documents. They are parsed using JSON type provider, which allows to access individual properties.

Accessing friends and followers

The following examples show how to access lists of followers and friends (followed accounts). Users can be identified either by their Twitter name, or by their user ID number.

// Get a list of ID numbers of friends and followers 
// for the current signed-in user
// (requires full authentication)
let friends = twitter.Connections.FriendsIds()
let followers = twitter.Connections.FollowerIds()
printfn "Number of friends: %d" (friends.Ids |> Seq.length)
printfn "Number of followers: %d" (followers.Ids |> Seq.length)

// Get a list IDs of friends and followers for a specific user 
let followersFSorg = twitter.Connections.FriendsIds(userId=880772426L)
let friendsFSorg = twitter.Connections.FollowerIds(screenName="fsharporg")

// Get information about connection between specific users
let fs = twitter.Connections.Friendship(880772426L, 94144339L)

We can also search for information about a list of users, specified either by IDs or by their screen names. It's possible to search for up to 100 users at a time.

let friendInfos = twitter.Users.Lookup(friends.Ids |> Seq.truncate 100)
for friend in friendInfos do
  printfn "%s (@%s)\t\t%d" friend.Name friend.ScreenName friend.Id

Searching for tweets

We can search Twitter for tweets using keywords. The following snippet shows how to search for tweets containing the #fsharp tag.

let fsharpTweets = twitter.Search.Tweets("#fsharp", count=100)

for status in fsharpTweets.Statuses do
  printfn "@%s: %s" status.User.ScreenName status.Text

Accessing timelines

Let's look at how to access Twitter timelines. Timelines show a stream of tweets from followed accounts.

We can access timelines for specific users, or the home timeline of the current signed-in user.

// Access home timeline
// (requires full user authentication)
let home = twitter.Timelines.HomeTimeline()

// Timeline of a specific user, up to a specified number of tweets
let timeline = twitter.Timelines.Timeline("fsharporg", 10)

We can display the Timeline in a web browser. We first create a web browser window. Then we download timeline for a specific user, in this case it's @fsharporg. Finally, we display individual tweets in the web browser.

// Display timeline
let timeline = twitter.Timelines.Timeline("fsharporg")
for tweet in timeline do
    printfn $"{tweet.User.Name}: {tweet.Text}" 


Hear from F# creator Don S… https://t.co/N8mYEXVPrv
fsharp.org: Announcing the Winter 2021 round of the #fsharp Mentorship program https://t.co/88zkM9YEgZ Applications being accepted now!
fsharp.org: Welcome to 2021! #fsharp https://t.co/wYu0MHw8hp
fsharp.org: @voh_ing We will figure it out for you - sorry for the confusion.
fsharp.org: Three videos on understanding the F# Compiler are now available on our YouTube channel https://t.co/gK2BTvyL8E #fsharp
fsharp.org: First free tickets to F# Exchange as part of the Diversity Program have already been allocated. If you are a member… https://t.co/cB4aDi6c4u
fsharp.org: We have 10 free tickets to F# Exchange available for members of any minority underrepresented in technology! Reach… https://t.co/Jy5qOHe5A0
fsharp.org: We are excited to see the return of the Applied F# Challenge for 2021! https://t.co/uNaEVZVkYt Call for judges is now open. #fsharp
fsharp.org: The F# Software Foundation is now accepting applications for the 9th round of the #fsharp mentorship program! https://t.co/ZieMmsL8pl
fsharp.org: Our Annual Members Meeting is starting now on Slack! All members are welcome to attend, we hope to see you there :) #fsharp
fsharp.org: With a slight delay, our newly elected Board will be revealed at the Annual Members Meeting, Aug 5th, 
hope to see y… https://t.co/rUeK7KJRMO
fsharp.org: Reminder: the annual FSSF Board election is underway!
If you have someone in mind to represent you and the F# Commu… https://t.co/in6FlHqNxX
fsharp.org: Our annual Board election is underway!
2020 being what it is, there are probably bigger things on your mind that th… https://t.co/g1FmcTQjCi
fsharp.org: Please read our full statement: https://t.co/eSOf6y5air  #fsharp #BlackLivesMatter
fsharp.org: Again, Black Lives Matter.
// Access mentions timeline
// (requires full user authentication)
let mention = twitter.Timelines.MentionTimeline()
for tweet in mention do
    printfn $"{tweet.User.Name}: {tweet.Text}" 

Streaming data

Streaming allows access to live Twitter data, as they're posted. To access Streaming API, the application must have full user authentication.

If we reuse the web browser window created in the previous code sample, we can display a random sample of tweets in the following way.

// Display stream with live data
let subscribe f obs = 
  let ctx = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
  if ctx = null then obs |> Observable.subscribe f
  else obs |> Observable.subscribe (fun v -> ctx.Post((fun _ -> f v), null))

let sample = twitter.Streaming.SampleTweets()
sample.TweetReceived |> subscribe (fun status ->
    match status.Text, status.User with
    | text, user ->
        printfn $"{user.Name}: {text}"
    | _ -> ()  )



We can also search the Twitter stream for a specific hashtag or phrase. The following code will filter all tweets that contain the word "fsharp" from the global stream of tweets.

// Display live search data 

let search = twitter.Streaming.FilterTweets ["fsharp"]
sample.TweetReceived |> subscribe (fun status ->
    match status.Text, status.User with
    | text, user ->
        printfn $"{user.Name}: {text}"
    | _ -> ()  )


Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace FSharp.Data.Toolbox
namespace FSharp.Data.Toolbox.Twitter
val key : string
 example fast binder url: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/fsprojects/fsharp.formatting/master?urlpath=git-pull?repo=https:/nhirschey.github.com/teaching/gh-pages/fundamentals.ipynb
val secret : string
val twitter : Twitter
Multiple items
type Twitter = new : context:TwitterContext -> Twitter member RequestRawData : url:string * query:(string * string) list -> string static member Authenticate : consumer_key:string * consumer_secret:string -> TwitterConnector static member AuthenticateAppOnly : consumer_key:string * consumer_secret:string -> Twitter static member AuthenticateAppSingleUser : consumer_key:string * consumer_secret:string * access_token:string * access_secret:string -> Twitter member Connections : Connections member Search : Search member Streaming : Streaming member Timelines : Timelines member Trends : Trends ...

new : context:TwitterContext -> Twitter
static member Twitter.AuthenticateAppOnly : consumer_key:string * consumer_secret:string -> Twitter
val connector : TwitterConnector
static member Twitter.Authenticate : consumer_key:string * consumer_secret:string -> TwitterConnector
abstract member TwitterConnector.Connect : string -> Twitter
val friends : JsonProvider<...>.Root
property Twitter.Connections: Connections with get
member Connections.FriendsIds : ?userId:int64 * ?screenName:string * ?cursor:int64 * ?count:int -> JsonProvider<...>.Root
val followers : JsonProvider<...>.Root
member Connections.FollowerIds : ?userId:int64 * ?screenName:string * ?cursor:int64 * ?count:int -> JsonProvider<...>.Root
val printfn : format:Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
<summary>Print to <c>stdout</c> using the given format, and add a newline.</summary>
<param name="format">The formatter.</param>
<returns>The formatted result.</returns>
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.Ids: int64 [] with get
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
<summary>Contains operations for working with values of type <see cref="T:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq`1" />.</summary>
val length : source:seq<'T> -> int
<summary>Returns the length of the sequence</summary>
<param name="source">The input sequence.</param>
<returns>The length of the sequence.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the input sequence is null.</exception>
val followersFSorg : JsonProvider<...>.Root
val friendsFSorg : JsonProvider<...>.Root
val fs : JsonProvider<...>.Root
member Connections.Friendship : ?sourceId:int64 * ?targetId:int64 -> JsonProvider<...>.Root
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.Relationship: JsonProvider<...>.Relationship with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Relationship.Source: JsonProvider<...>.Source with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Source.ScreenName: string with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Relationship.Target: JsonProvider<...>.Target with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Target.ScreenName: string with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Source.Following: bool with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Source.FollowedBy: bool with get
val friendInfos : JsonProvider<...>.Root []
property Twitter.Users: Users with get
member Users.Lookup : screenNames:seq<string> -> JsonProvider<...>.Root []
member Users.Lookup : userIds:seq<int64> -> JsonProvider<...>.Root []
val truncate : count:int -> source:seq<'T> -> seq<'T>
<summary>Returns a sequence that when enumerated returns at most N elements.</summary>
<param name="count">The maximum number of items to enumerate.</param>
<param name="source">The input sequence.</param>
<returns>The result sequence.</returns>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the input sequence is null.</exception>
val friend : JsonProvider<...>.Root
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.Name: string with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.ScreenName: string with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.Id: int64 with get
val fsharpTweets : JsonProvider<...>.Root
property Twitter.Search: Search with get
member Search.Tweets : query:string * ?lang:string * ?geocode:string * ?locale:string * ?count:int * ?sinceId:int64 * ?maxId:int64 * ?until:string -> JsonProvider<...>.Root
val status : JsonProvider<...>.Status
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.Statuses: JsonProvider<...>.Status [] with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Status.User: JsonProvider<...>.User with get
property JsonProvider<...>.User.ScreenName: string with get
property JsonProvider<...>.Status.Text: string with get
val home : JsonProvider<...>.Root []
property Twitter.Timelines: Timelines with get
member Timelines.HomeTimeline : ?count:int * ?sinceId:int64 * ?maxId:int64 * ?trimUser:bool * ?contributorDetails:bool * ?includeEntities:bool -> JsonProvider<...>.Root []
val timeline : JsonProvider<...>.Root []
member Timelines.Timeline : screenName:string * ?count:int * ?maxId:int64 -> JsonProvider<...>.Root []
member Timelines.Timeline : userId:int64 * ?count:int * ?maxId:int64 -> JsonProvider<...>.Root []
val tweet : JsonProvider<...>.Root
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.User: JsonProvider<...>.User with get
property JsonProvider<...>.User.Name: string with get
val mention : JsonProvider<...>.Root []
member Timelines.MentionTimeline : ?count:int * ?sinceId:int64 * ?maxId:int64 * ?trimUser:bool * ?contributorDetails:bool * ?includeEntities:bool -> JsonProvider<...>.Root []
val subscribe : f:('a -> unit) -> obs:System.IObservable<'a> -> System.IDisposable
val f : ('a -> unit)
val obs : System.IObservable<'a>
val ctx : System.Threading.SynchronizationContext
namespace System
namespace System.Threading
Multiple items
type SynchronizationContext = new : unit -> unit member CreateCopy : unit -> SynchronizationContext member IsWaitNotificationRequired : unit -> bool member OperationCompleted : unit -> unit member OperationStarted : unit -> unit member Post : d: SendOrPostCallback * state: obj -> unit member Send : d: SendOrPostCallback * state: obj -> unit member SetWaitNotificationRequired : unit -> unit member Wait : waitHandles: nativeint [] * waitAll: bool * millisecondsTimeout: int -> int static member SetSynchronizationContext : syncContext: SynchronizationContext -> unit ...
<summary>Provides the basic functionality for propagating a synchronization context in various synchronization models.</summary>

System.Threading.SynchronizationContext() : System.Threading.SynchronizationContext
property System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current: System.Threading.SynchronizationContext with get
<summary>Gets the synchronization context for the current thread.</summary>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.SynchronizationContext" /> object representing the current synchronization context.</returns>
module Observable from Microsoft.FSharp.Control
<summary>Contains operations for working with first class event and other observable objects.</summary>
<category index="3">Events and Observables</category>
val subscribe : callback:('T -> unit) -> source:System.IObservable<'T> -> System.IDisposable
<summary>Creates an observer which subscribes to the given observable and which calls the given function for each observation.</summary>
<param name="callback">The function to be called on each observation.</param>
<param name="source">The input Observable.</param>
<returns>An object that will remove the callback if disposed.</returns>
val v : 'a
System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Post(d: System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback, state: obj) : unit
val sample : TwitterStream<JsonProvider<...>.Root>
property Twitter.Streaming: Streaming with get
member Streaming.SampleTweets : unit -> TwitterStream<JsonProvider<...>.Root>
property TwitterStream.TweetReceived: IEvent<JsonProvider<...>.Root> with get
val status : JsonProvider<...>.Root
property JsonProvider<...>.Root.Text: string with get
val text : string
val user : JsonProvider<...>.User
abstract member TwitterStream.Start : unit -> unit
abstract member TwitterStream.Stop : unit -> unit
val search : TwitterStream<JsonProvider<...>.Root>
member Streaming.FilterTweets : keywords:seq<string> -> TwitterStream<JsonProvider<...>.Root>