
TypeError<'a> Type

Namespace: FSharpPlus.TypeLevel

Assembly: FSharpPlus.dll

Base Type: obj

Base class for type-level errors. For every type (kind) of type-level literals, the corresponding type-error class should be created and it should provide all the methods the literals have to offer. TypeError should not implement `ITypeLiteral` but should provide `Singleton` and `RuntimeValue`. This is important for making type-level error-handling work correctly. TypeError should implement the same `IErrorLiftable` as the corresponding kind do. For example, if `TypeFoo` implements `IErrorLiftable`, `FooTypeError` should also implement it. So, the implementation will look like below: type FooTypeError<'a> = inherit TypeError<'a> interface IErrorLiftable (* members related to Foo *) and AggregatedFooTypeError<'a>() = inherit FooTypeError>() and FooTypeErrorLifter = static member inline Lift (_: 'Error) = Unchecked.defaultof> type ITypeFoo = inherit ITypeLiteral inherit IErrorLiftable


Constructor Description


Full Usage: TypeError()

Returns: TypeError<'a>

Returns: TypeError<'a>

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: TypeError.RuntimeValue(arg1)

    arg0 : 'a

Returns: 'b

arg0 : 'a
Returns: 'b


Full Usage: TypeError.Singleton(arg1)

    arg0 : 'b

Returns: 'a

arg0 : 'b
Returns: 'a