bind(f a)
Signature: (f:('b -> Async<'c>)) -> a:Async<'b> -> Async<'c>
Type parameters: 'b, 'c
Creates an async computation which binds the result of the specified
async computation to the specified function. The computation produced
by the specified function is returned.
CompiledName: Async.bind.Static
bindChoice(f a)
Signature: (f:('a -> Async<Choice<'b,'e>>)) -> a:Async<Choice<'a,'e>> -> Async<Choice<'b,'e>>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'e
Binds an async computation producing a choice value to another async
computation producing a choice such that a Choice2Of2 value is passed through.
CompiledName: Async.bindChoice.Static
bindChoices(f a)
Signature: (f:('a -> Async<Choice<'b,'e2>>)) -> a:Async<Choice<'a,'e1>> -> Async<Choice<'b,Choice<'e1,'e2>>>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'e2, 'e1
Binds an async computation producing a choice value to another async
computation producing a choice such that a Choice2Of2 value is passed through.
CompiledName: Async.bindChoices.Static
Signature: input:Async<'T> -> Async<'T>
Type parameters: 'T
Creates an asynchronous workflow that runs the asynchronous workflow
given as an argument at most once. When the returned workflow is
started for the second time, it reuses the result of the
previous execution.
CompiledName: Async.Cache.Static
map(f a)
Signature: (f:('c -> 'd)) -> a:Async<'c> -> Async<'d>
Type parameters: 'c, 'd
Creates an async computation which maps a function f over the
value produced by the specified asynchronous computation.
mapChoice(f a)
Signature: (f:('a -> Choice<'b,'e>)) -> a:Async<Choice<'a,'e>> -> Async<Choice<'b,'e>>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'e
Maps over an async computation which produces a choice value
using a function which maps over Choice1Of2 and itself returns a choice.
A value of Choice2Of2 is treated like an error and passed through.
CompiledName: Async.mapChoice.Static
Signature: Async<unit>
An async computation which does nothing and never completes.
CompiledName: Async.get_never.Static
Signature: Async<unit>
An async computation which does nothing and never completes.
CompiledName: Async.get_never.Static
Parallel(a, b)
Signature: (a:Async<'a> * b:Async<'b>) -> Async<'a * 'b>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b
Creates an async computations which runs the specified computations
in parallel and returns their results.
CompiledName: Async.Parallel.Static
Parallel(a, b, c)
Signature: (a:Async<'a> * b:Async<'b> * c:Async<'c>) -> Async<'a * 'b * 'c>
Type parameters: 'a, 'b, 'c
Creates an async computations which runs the specified computations
in parallel and returns their results.
CompiledName: Async.Parallel.Static
ParallelIgnore(parallelism xs)
Signature: parallelism:int -> xs:seq<Async<'?7819>> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?7819
Creates an async computation which runs the provided sequence of computations and completes
when all computations in the sequence complete. Up to parallelism computations will
be in-flight at any given point in time. Error or cancellation of any computation in
the sequence causes the resulting computation to error or cancel, respectively.
CompiledName: Async.ParallelIgnore.Static
Signature: op:Async<unit> -> IDisposable
Starts the specified operation using a new CancellationToken and returns
IDisposable object that cancels the computation. This method can be used
when implementing the Subscribe method of IObservable interface.
CompiledName: Async.StartDisposable.Static
Signature: Async<unit>
An async computation which does nothing and completes immediatly.
CompiledName: Async.get_unit.Static
Signature: Async<unit>
An async computation which does nothing and completes immediatly.
CompiledName: Async.get_unit.Static