FSharpx.Collections.Mutable Namespace
Type | Description |
CircularBuffer<'T> |
FSharpx.Control Namespace
Type | Description |
Agent<'T> | Type alias for F# mailbox processor type |
AsyncResult<'T> | Represents the reified result of an asynchronous computation |
AsyncResultCell<'T> | A helper type to store a single result from an asynchronous computation and asynchronously access its result. |
AsyncStream<'a> | An infinite async sequence. |
AsyncStreamNode<'a> | A node of an async stream consisting of an element and the rest of the stream. |
AsyncStreamReader | Implements a TextReader-like API that asynchronously reads characters from a byte stream in a particular encoding. |
AsyncWorker<'T> | |
AutoCancelAgent<'T> | Wrapper for the standard F# agent (MailboxProcessor) that supports stopping of the agent's body using the IDisposable interface (the type automatically creates a cancellation token) |
BatchProcessingAgent<'T> | Agent that can be used to implement batch processing. It creates groups of messages (added using the Enqueue method) and emits them using the BatchProduced event. A group is produced when it reaches the maximal size or after the timeout elapses. |
BlockingQueueAgent<'T> | Agent that implements an asynchronous queue with blocking put and blocking get operation (this implements the producer-consumer concurrent programming pattern). The constructor takes the maximal size of the buffer. |
CircularQueueAgent<'T> | Agent that implements an asynchronous circular buffer with blocking enqueue and blocking dequeue operation (this implements the producer-consumer concurrent programming pattern). The constructor takes the maximal size of the buffer. |
ConcurrentSetAgent<'T> | Agent that implements a simple concurrent set. The agent exposes a member that adds value to the set and returns whether the value was already present. |
ISubject<'TIn, 'TOut> | |
ObservableExtensions | |
ObservableUpdate<'T> | Union type that represents different messages that can be sent to the IObserver interface. The IObserver type is equivalent to a type that has just OnNext method that gets 'ObservableUpdate' as an argument. |
ReplaySubject<'T> | |
SlidingWindowAgent<'T> | Agent that implements the "sliding window" functionality. It collects messages added using the Enqueue method and emits them in overlapping groups of the specified size. For example, given [1,2,3,4,5...] and a size 3, the produced groups will be [1,2,3], [2,3,4], [3,4,5], ... |
Subject<'T> |
Module | Description |
Async | |
AsyncExtensions | |
AsyncOps | |
AsyncStream | Operations on async streams. |
AsyncStreamNode | Operations on async stream nodes. |
FileExtensions | |
Observable | |
StreamReaderExtensions | |
WebClientExtensions | |
WebRequestExtensions |
FSharpx.IO Namespace
Type | Description |
CircularStream |
Module | Description |
IOExtensions |