Signature: Handler<Exception> -> unit
Occurs when the execution of the agent results in an exception.
Signature: int
Returns the number of unprocessed messages in the message queue of the agent.
CompiledName: get_CurrentQueueLength
Signature: IEvent<Handler<Exception>,Exception>
Occurs when the execution of the agent results in an exception.
CompiledName: get_Error
Signature: m:'T -> unit
Posts a message to the message queue of the MailboxProcessor, asynchronously.
PostAndAsyncReply(buildMessage, timeout)
Signature: (buildMessage:(AsyncReplyChannel<'?7439> -> 'T) * timeout:int option) -> Async<'?7439>
Posts a message to an agent and await a reply on the channel, asynchronously.
PostAndReply(buildMessage, timeout)
Signature: (buildMessage:(AsyncReplyChannel<'?7433> -> 'T) * timeout:int option) -> '?7433
Posts a message to an agent and await a reply on the channel, synchronously.
Signature: (buildMessage:(AsyncReplyChannel<'?7436> -> 'T) * timeout:int option) -> Async<'?7436 option>
Like PostAndAsyncReply, but returns None if no reply within the timeout period.
Signature: (timeout:int option) -> Async<'T>
Waits for a message. This will consume the first message in arrival order.
Signature: Handler<Exception> -> unit
Occurs when the execution of the agent results in an exception.
Scan(scanner, timeout)
Signature: (scanner:('T -> Async<'?7420> option) * timeout:int option) -> Async<'?7420>
Scans for a message by looking through messages in arrival order until scanner
returns a Some value. Other messages remain in the queue.
TryPostAndReply(buildMessage, timeout)
Signature: (buildMessage:(AsyncReplyChannel<'?7423> -> 'T) * timeout:int option) -> '?7423 option
Like PostAndReply, but returns None if no reply within the timeout period.
Signature: (timeout:int option) -> Async<'T option>
Waits for a message. This will consume the first message in arrival order.
TryScan(scanner, timeout)
Signature: (scanner:('T -> Async<'?7428> option) * timeout:int option) -> Async<'?7428 option>
Scans for a message by looking through messages in arrival order until scanner
returns a Some value. Other messages remain in the queue.