

Namespace: FSharpx.Control

Agent that implements an asynchronous circular buffer with blocking enqueue and blocking dequeue operation (this implements the producer-consumer concurrent programming pattern). The constructor takes the maximal size of the buffer.


Signature: maxLength:int -> CircularQueueAgent<'T>

CompiledName: .ctor

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
AsyncDequeue(count, timeout)
Signature: (count:int * timeout:int option) -> Async<'T []>

Asynchronously gets item from the queue. If there are no items in the queue, the operation will block until items are added.

AsyncEnqueue(value, timeout)
Signature: (value:'T [] * timeout:int option) -> Async<unit>

Adds item to the queue. The operation ends when there is a place for the item. If the queue is full, the operation will block until some items are removed.

AsyncEnqueue(segment, timeout)
Signature: (segment:ArraySegment<'T> * timeout:int option) -> Async<unit>

Adds item to the queue. The operation ends when there is a place for the item. If the queue is full, the operation will block until some items are removed.

Signature: (value:'T [] * offset:int * count:int * timeout:int option) -> Async<unit>

Adds item to the queue. The operation ends when there is a place for the item. If the queue is full, the operation will block until some items are removed.

Signature: int

Gets the number of elements currently waiting in the queue.

CompiledName: get_Count

Dequeue(count, timeout)
Signature: (count:int * timeout:int option) -> 'T []

Synchronously gets item from the queue. If there are no items in the queue, the operation will block until items are added. This method blocks until value is available!

Signature: (value:'T []) -> unit

Adds item to the queue. The operation ends when there is a place for the item. If the queue is full, the operation will block until some items are removed.

Signature: segment:ArraySegment<'T> -> unit

Adds item to the queue. The operation ends when there is a place for the item. If the queue is full, the operation will block until some items are removed.

Enqueue(value, offset, count)
Signature: (value:'T [] * offset:int * count:int) -> unit

Adds item to the queue. The operation ends when there is a place for the item. If the queue is full, the operation will block until some items are removed.

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