

Namespace: FSharpx.Control

Type extensions

Type extensionDescription
AsyncAppendAllBytes(path, bytes)
Signature: (path:string * bytes:byte array) -> Async<unit>

CompiledName: File.AsyncAppendAllBytes.Static

Signature: (path:string * lines:string array * encoder:Encoding option) -> Async<unit>

CompiledName: File.AsyncAppendAllLines.Static

AsyncAppendAllText(path, txt, ?encoder)
Signature: (path:string * txt:string * encoder:Encoding option) -> Async<unit>

CompiledName: File.AsyncAppendAllText.Static

Signature: path:string -> Async<StreamWriter>

Create an async that returns a System.IO.StreamWriter that appends UTF-8 text to an existing file, via a fresh I/O thread.

CompiledName: File.AsyncAppendText.Static

Signature: (path:string * mode:FileMode * access:FileAccess option * share:FileShare option * bufferSize:int option * options:FileOptions option) -> Async<FileStream>

Create an async that opens a System.IO.FileStream on the specified path, via a fresh I/O thread. Pass options=FileOptions.Asynchronous to enable further asynchronous read/write operations on the FileStream.

CompiledName: File.AsyncOpen.Static

Signature: path:string -> Async<FileStream>

Create an async that opens a System.IO.FileStream on the specified path for read/write access, via a fresh I/O thread.

CompiledName: File.AsyncOpenRead.Static

Signature: path:string -> Async<StreamReader>

Create an async that opens an existing file for reading, via a fresh I/O thread.

CompiledName: File.AsyncOpenText.Static

Signature: path:string -> Async<FileStream>

Create an async that opens an existing file writing, via a fresh I/O thread.

CompiledName: File.AsyncOpenWrite.Static

AsyncWriteAllBytes(path, bytes)
Signature: (path:string * bytes:byte array) -> Async<unit>

CompiledName: File.AsyncWriteAllBytes.Static

Signature: (path:string * lines:string array * encoder:Encoding option) -> Async<unit>

CompiledName: File.AsyncWriteAllLines.Static

AsyncWriteAllText(path, txt, ?encoder)
Signature: (path:string * txt:string * encoder:Encoding option) -> Async<unit>

CompiledName: File.AsyncWriteAllText.Static

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