

Namespace: FSharpx.Control

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
asUpdates input
Signature: input:IObservable<'T> -> IObservable<ObservableUpdate<'T>>
Type parameters: 'T

Turns observable into an observable that only calls OnNext method of the observer, but gives it a discriminated union that represents different kinds of events (error, next, completed)

bufferWithTimeOrCount (...)
Signature: timeSpan:TimeSpan -> count:int -> source:IObservable<'T> -> IObservable<seq<'T>>
Type parameters: 'T
combineLatest left right
Signature: left:IObservable<'TLeft> -> right:IObservable<'TRight> -> IObservable<'TLeft * 'TRight>
Type parameters: 'TLeft, 'TRight
create f
Signature: f:(IObserver<'?7531> -> unit -> unit) -> IObservable<'?7531>
Type parameters: '?7531
createWithDisposable f
Signature: f:(IObserver<'?7533> -> IDisposable) -> IObservable<'?7533>
Type parameters: '?7533
delay milliseconds observable
Signature: milliseconds:int -> observable:IObservable<'T> -> IObservable<'T>
Type parameters: 'T

Delay execution of Observer function

error e
Signature: e:exn -> IObservable<'?7535>
Type parameters: '?7535
FromEvent (...)
Signature: (conversion:Func<Action<'TEventArgs>,'TDelegate> * addHandler:Action<'TDelegate> * removeHandler:Action<'TDelegate>) -> IObservable<'TEventArgs>
Type parameters: 'TEventArgs, 'TDelegate
FromEventHandler (...)
Signature: (addHandler:Action<EventHandler<obj>> * removeHandler:Action<EventHandler<obj>>) -> IObservable<obj>
Type parameters: 'TEventArgs
guard f e
Signature: f:(unit -> unit) -> e:IObservable<'Args> -> IObservable<'Args>
Type parameters: 'Args

Creates an observable that calls the specified function (each time) after an observer is attached to the observable. This is useful to make sure that events triggered by the function are handled.

invoke f w
Signature: f:((unit -> unit) -> unit) -> w:IObservable<'?7578> -> IObservable<'?7578>
Type parameters: '?7578

Invoke Observer function through specified function

mapi f source
Signature: f:(int -> 'TSource -> 'TResult) -> source:IObservable<'TSource> -> IObservable<'TResult>
Type parameters: 'TSource, 'TResult
ofSeq items
Signature: items:seq<'TItem> -> IObservable<'TItem>
Type parameters: 'TItem
result x
Signature: x:'?7529 -> IObservable<'?7529>
Type parameters: '?7529
synchronize f
Signature: f:(((unit -> unit) -> unit) -> '?7582) -> '?7582
Type parameters: '?7582

Helper that can be used for writing CPS-style code that resumes on the same thread where the operation was started.

takeWhile f source
Signature: f:('TSource -> bool) -> source:IObservable<'TSource> -> IObservable<'TSource>
Type parameters: 'TSource
throttle milliseconds source
Signature: milliseconds:int -> source:IObservable<'T> -> IObservable<'T>
Type parameters: 'T
windowed size input
Signature: size:int -> input:IObservable<'T> -> IObservable<'T []>
Type parameters: 'T

Returns an observable that yields sliding windows of containing elements drawn from the input observable. Each window is returned as a fresh array.

zip left right
Signature: left:IObservable<'TLeft> -> right:IObservable<'TRight> -> IObservable<'TLeft * 'TRight>
Type parameters: 'TLeft, 'TRight

Type extensions

Type extensionDescription
Signature: observable:IObservable<'T1> -> Async<'T1>
Type parameters: 'T1

Creates an asynchronous workflow that will be resumed when the specified observables produces a value. The workflow will return the value produced by the observable.

CompiledName: Async.AwaitObservable.Static

AwaitObservable(ev1, ev2)
Signature: (ev1:IObservable<'T1> * ev2:IObservable<'T2>) -> Async<Choice<'T1,'T2>>
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2

Creates an asynchronous workflow that will be resumed when the first of the specified two observables produces a value. The workflow will return a Choice value that can be used to identify the observable that produced the value.

CompiledName: Async.AwaitObservable.Static

AwaitObservable(ev1, ev2, ev3)
Signature: (ev1:IObservable<'T1> * ev2:IObservable<'T2> * ev3:IObservable<'T3>) -> Async<Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3>>
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2, 'T3

Creates an asynchronous workflow that will be resumed when the first of the specified three observables produces a value. The workflow will return a Choice value that can be used to identify the observable that produced the value.

CompiledName: Async.AwaitObservable.Static

AwaitObservable(ev1, ev2, ev3, ev4)
Signature: (ev1:IObservable<'T1> * ev2:IObservable<'T2> * ev3:IObservable<'T3> * ev4:IObservable<'T4>) -> Async<Choice<'T1,'T2,'T3,'T4>>
Type parameters: 'T1, 'T2, 'T3, 'T4

Creates an asynchronous workflow that will be resumed when the first of the specified four observables produces a value. The workflow will return a Choice value that can be used to identify the observable that produced the value.

CompiledName: Async.AwaitObservable.Static

Signature: ev1:IObservable<'T1> -> (guardFunction:(unit -> unit)) -> Async<'T1>
Type parameters: 'T1

Behaves like AwaitObservable, but calls the specified guarding function after a subscriber is registered with the observable.

CompiledName: Async.GuardedAwaitObservable.Static

Signature: unit -> 'T

CompiledName: LinkedList`1.popFront

Signature: x:'T -> unit

CompiledName: LinkedList`1.pushBack

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