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IAdaptiveObject Type

Represents the core interface for all adaptive objects. Contains support for tracking OutOfDate flags, managing in-/outputs and lazy/eager evaluation in the dependency tree.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AllInputsProcessed

    arg0 : obj

Modifiers: abstract

Gets called after all inputs of the object have been processed and directly before the object will be marked

arg0 : obj


Full Usage: this.InputChanged

Modifiers: abstract

Gets called whenever a current input of the object gets marked out of date. The first argument represents the Transaction that causes the object to be marked

arg0 : obj
arg1 : IAdaptiveObject


Full Usage: this.IsConstant

Returns: bool
Modifiers: abstract

Indicates whether the IAdaptiveObject is constant

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Level

Modifiers: abstract

Used internally to represent the maximal distance from an input cell in the dependency graph when evaluating inside a transaction.


Full Usage: this.Mark

Returns: bool
Modifiers: abstract

Allows a specific implementation to evaluate the cell during the change propagation process.

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.OutOfDate

Modifiers: abstract

Indicates whether the object has been marked. This flag should only be accessed when holding a lock on the adaptive object.


Full Usage: this.Outputs

Returns: IWeakOutputSet
Modifiers: abstract

The adaptive outputs for the object. Represented by Weak references to allow for unused parts of the graph to be garbage collected.

Returns: IWeakOutputSet


Full Usage: this.Tag

Modifiers: abstract


Full Usage: this.Weak

Returns: WeakReference<IAdaptiveObject>
Modifiers: abstract

Each object can cache a WeakReference pointing to itself. This is because the system internally needs WeakReferences to IAdaptiveObjects

Returns: WeakReference<IAdaptiveObject>

Type something to start searching.