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Transaction Module

Module for transaction related functions. (e.g. transact)

Functions and values

Function or value Description

getCurrentTransaction ()

Full Usage: getCurrentTransaction ()

    () : unit

Returns: Transaction voption

Returns the currently running transaction or (if none) the current transaction for the calling thread

() : unit
Returns: Transaction voption

makeCurrent t

Full Usage: makeCurrent t

Returns: IDisposable
t : Transaction
Returns: IDisposable

transact action

Full Usage: transact action

    action : unit -> 'T

Returns: 'T

Executes a function "inside" a newly created transaction and commits the transaction.

action : unit -> 'T
Returns: 'T

useTransaction t action

Full Usage: useTransaction t action

Returns: 'T
t : Transaction
action : unit -> 'T
Returns: 'T

Type extensions

Type extension Description


Full Usage: this.MarkOutdated

    () : unit

Utility for marking adaptive object as outOfDate. Note that this function will actually enqueue the object to the current transaction and will fail if no current transaction can be found. However objects which are already outOfDate might also be "marked" when not having a current transaction.

Extended Type: IAdaptiveObject

() : unit


Full Usage: this.MarkOutdated

    fin : unit -> unit

Utility for marking adaptive object as outOfDate. Note that this function will actually enqueue the object to the current transaction and will fail if no current transaction can be found. However objects which are already outOfDate might Also be "marked" when not having a current transaction.

Extended Type: IAdaptiveObject

fin : unit -> unit

Type something to start searching.