
NameValueCollection Module

Extensions for NameValueCollections.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

NameValueCollection.add name value x

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.add name value x

Returns: NameValueCollection

Adds an element to a copy of an existing NameValueCollection

name : string
value : string
x : NameValueCollection
Returns: NameValueCollection

NameValueCollection.addInPlace x (a, b)

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.addInPlace x (a, b)


In-place add of a key-value pair to a NameValueCollection

x : NameValueCollection

a : string

b : string

NameValueCollection.asDictionary x

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.asDictionary x

Returns: IDictionary<string, string[]>
x : NameValueCollection
Returns: IDictionary<string, string[]>

NameValueCollection.asLookup this

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.asLookup this

Returns: ILookup<string, string>
this : NameValueCollection
Returns: ILookup<string, string>

NameValueCollection.asReadonlyDictionary x

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.asReadonlyDictionary x

Returns: IDictionary<string, string[]>
x : NameValueCollection
Returns: IDictionary<string, string[]>

NameValueCollection.concat a b

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.concat a b

Returns: NameValueCollection

Returns a new NameValueCollection with the concatenation of two NameValueCollections

a : NameValueCollection

b : NameValueCollection

Returns: NameValueCollection

NameValueCollection.ofSeq l

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.ofSeq l

    l : seq<string * string> -

Returns: NameValueCollection

Creates a NameValueCollection from a list of key-value pairs

l : seq<string * string>

Returns: NameValueCollection

NameValueCollection.toArray a

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.toArray a

Returns: (string * string)[]

Returns a NameValueCollection as an array of key-value pairs. Note that keys may be duplicated.

a : NameValueCollection

Returns: (string * string)[]

NameValueCollection.toList a

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.toList a

Returns: (string * string) list

Returns a NameValueCollection as a list of key-value pairs. Note that keys may be duplicated.

a : NameValueCollection

Returns: (string * string) list

NameValueCollection.toLookup a

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.toLookup a

Returns: ILookup<string, string>
a : NameValueCollection
Returns: ILookup<string, string>

NameValueCollection.toSeq a

Full Usage: NameValueCollection.toSeq a

Returns: seq<string * string>

Returns a NameValueCollection as a sequence of key-value pairs. Note that keys may be duplicated.

a : NameValueCollection

Returns: seq<string * string>