
Queue<'T> Type

Queue is an ordered linear data structure where elements are added at the end (right) and inspected and removed at the beginning (left). Ordering is by insertion history. The qualities of the Queue structure make elements first in, first out (fifo). "head" inspects the first or left-most element in the structure, while "conj" inserts an element at the end, or right of the structure. Purely functional (immutable) Queue based on Okasaki's batched queue.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Conj(arg1)

    arg0 : 'T

Returns: Queue<'T>

O(1). Returns a new queue with the element added to the end. (Enqueue)

arg0 : 'T
Returns: Queue<'T>


Full Usage: this.Head

Returns: 'T

O(1). Returns the first element. (Peek)

Returns: 'T


Full Usage: this.IsEmpty

Returns: bool

O(1). Returns true if the queue has no elements.

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Length

Returns: int

O(1). Returns the count of elememts.

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Rev()

Returns: Queue<'T>

O(n). Returns queue reversed.

Returns: Queue<'T>


Full Usage: this.Tail

Returns: Queue<'T>

O(1) amortized, O(n) worst-case. Returns a new queue of the elements trailing the first element. (Dequeue)

Returns: Queue<'T>


Full Usage: this.TryHead

Returns: 'T option

O(1). Returns option first element

Returns: 'T option


Full Usage: this.TryTail

Returns: Queue<'T> option

O(1) amortized, O(n) worst-case. Returns option queue of the elements trailing the first element.

Returns: Queue<'T> option


Full Usage: this.TryUncons

Returns: ('T * Queue<'T>) option

O(1) amortized, O(n) worst-case. Returns option first element and tail.

Returns: ('T * Queue<'T>) option


Full Usage: this.Uncons

Returns: 'T * Queue<'T>

O(1) amortized, O(n) worst-case. Returns the first element and tail.

Returns: 'T * Queue<'T>