

Furnace runs on dotnet, a cross-platform, open-source platform supported on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

There are various ways in which you can run Furnace, the main ones being: interactive notebooks supporting Visual Studio Code and Jupyter; running in a REPL; running script files; and compiling, packing, and publishing performant binaries.

Interactive Notebooks and Scripts

You can use Furnace in dotnet interactive notebooks in Visual Studio Code or Jupyter, or in F# scripts (.fsx files), by referencing the package as follows:

// Use one of the following three lines
#r "nuget: Furnace-cpu" // Use the latest version
#r "nuget: Furnace-cpu, *-*" // Use the latest pre-release version
#r "nuget: Furnace-cpu, 1.0.1" // Use a specific version

open Furnace

Dotnet Applications

You can add Furnace to your dotnet application using the dotnet command-line interface (CLI).

For example, the following creates a new F# console application and adds the latest pre-release version of the Furnace-cpu package as a dependency.

dotnet new console -lang "F#" -o src/app
cd src/app
dotnet add package --prerelease Furnace-cpu
dotnet run


We provide several package bundles for a variety of use cases.

Using local LibTorch binaries (optional)

You can combine the Furnace-lite package bundle with existing local native binaries of LibTorch for your OS (Linux, Mac, or Windows) installed through other means.

LibTorch is the main tensor computation core implemented in C++/CUDA and it is used by PyTorch in Python and by other projects in various programming languages. The following are two common ways of having LibTorch in your system.

  • If you use Python and have PyTorch installed, this comes with LibTorch as a part of the PyTorch distribution. If your GPU works in this PyTorch installation without any issues, it will also work in Furnace.
  • You can download the native LibTorch package without Python by following the get started instructions in the PyTorch website, and extracting the downloaded archive to a folder in your system.

Before using the Torch backend in Furnace, you will have to add an explicit load of the LibTorch native library, which you can do as follows. In order to find the location of LibTorch binaries, searching for in your system might be helpful. Note that this file is called in Linux, libtorch.dylib in macOS, and torch.dll in Windows.

open System.Runtime.InteropServices

Backends and Devices

Furnace currently provides two computation backends.

  • The Torch backend is the default and recommended backend based on LibTorch, using the same C++ and CUDA implementations for tensor computations that power PyTorch. On top of these raw tensors (LibTorch's ATen, excluding autograd), Furnace implements its own computation graph and differentiation capabilities. This backend requires platform-specific binaries of LibTorch, which we provide and test on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

  • The Reference backend is implemented purely in F# and can run on any hardware platform where dotnet can run (for example iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi). This backend has reasonable performance for use cases dominated by scalar and small tensor operations, and is not recommended for use cases involving large tensor operations (such as machine learning). This backend is always available.

Configuration of Default Backend, Device, and Tensor Type

Selection of the default backend, device, and tensor type is done using FurnaceImage.config.

  • Dtype choices available: BFloat16, Bool, Byte, Float16, Float32, Float64, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8

  • Device choices available: CPU, GPU

  • Backend choices available: Reference, Torch

For example, the following selects the Torch backend with single precision tensors as the default tensor type and GPU (CUDA) execution.

open Furnace

FurnaceImage.config(dtype=Dtype.Float32, device=Device.GPU, backend=Backend.Torch)

The following selects the Reference backend.


A tensor's backend and device can be inspected as follows.

let t = FurnaceImage.tensor [ 0 .. 10 ]

let device = t.device
let backend = t.backend

Tensors can be moved between devices (for example from CPU to GPU) using Tensor.move. For example:

let t2 = t.move(Device.GPU)

Developing Furnace Libraries

To develop libraries built on Furnace, you can use the following guideline to reference the various packages.

  • Reference Furnace.Core and Furnace.Data in your library code.
  • Reference Furnace.Backends.Reference in your correctness testing code.
  • Reference Furnace.Backends.Torch and libtorch-cpu in your CPU testing code.
  • Reference Furnace.Backends.Torch and libtorch-cuda-linux or libtorch-cuda-windows in your (optional) GPU testing code.
namespace Furnace
type FurnaceImage = static member abs: input: Tensor -> Tensor static member acos: input: Tensor -> Tensor static member add: a: Tensor * b: Tensor -> Tensor static member arange: endVal: float * ?startVal: float * ?step: float * ?device: Device * ?dtype: Dtype * ?backend: Backend -> Tensor + 1 overload static member arangeLike: input: Tensor * endVal: float * ?startVal: float * ?step: float * ?device: Device * ?dtype: Dtype * ?backend: Backend -> Tensor + 1 overload static member argmax: input: Tensor -> int array + 1 overload static member argmin: input: Tensor -> int array + 1 overload static member asin: input: Tensor -> Tensor static member atan: input: Tensor -> Tensor static member backends: unit -> Backend list ...
<summary> Tensor operations </summary>
static member FurnaceImage.config: unit -> Device * Dtype * Backend * Printer
static member FurnaceImage.config: configuration: (Device * Dtype * Backend * Printer) -> unit
static member FurnaceImage.config: ?device: Device * ?dtype: Dtype * ?backend: Backend * ?printer: Printer -> unit
val backend: Backend
Multiple items
module Backend from Furnace
<summary> Contains functions and settings related to backend specifications. </summary>

type Backend = | Reference | Torch | Other of name: string * code: int override ToString: unit -> string member Name: string
<summary> Represents a backend for Furnace tensors </summary>
union case Backend.Reference: Backend
<summary> The reference backend </summary>
static member FurnaceImage.seed: ?seed: int -> unit
namespace System
namespace System.Runtime
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
Multiple items
module Dtype from Furnace
<summary> Contains functions and settings related to tensor element types </summary>

[<Struct>] type Dtype = | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float32 | Float64 | Int8 | Byte | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Bool override ToString: unit -> string member SummationType: Dtype
<summary> Represents a storage type for elements of a tensor </summary>
union case Dtype.Float32: Dtype
<summary> Store elements as 32-bit floating point numbers </summary>
Multiple items
union case Device.Device: DeviceType * int -> Device

module Device from Furnace
<summary> Contains functions and settings related to device specifications. </summary>

[<Struct>] type Device = | Device of DeviceType * int override ToString: unit -> string member DeviceIndex: int member DeviceType: DeviceType static member CPU: Device static member GPU: Device
<summary> Represents a device specification. </summary>
property Device.GPU: Device with get
union case Backend.Torch: Backend
<summary> The LibTorch backend </summary>
val t: Tensor
static member FurnaceImage.tensor: value: obj * ?device: Device * ?dtype: Dtype * ?backend: Backend -> Tensor
val device: Device
val t2: Tensor

© Copyright 2025, Furnace Contributors.