
The EdmxFile Type Provider (FSharp.Data.TypeProviders)

Please see Walkthrough: Generating F# Types from an EDMX Schema File

NOTE: Use FSharp.Data.TypeProviders instead of Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders


Please see the MSDN Documentation


Please see Walkthrough: Generating F# Types from an EDMX Schema File

See also below for a micro use of the type provider:

#r "System.Data.Entity.dll"
#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll"
open FSharp.Data.TypeProviders

type internal Edmx1 = EdmxFile< "SampleModel01.edmx">

let internal container = new Edmx1.SampleModel01.SampleModel01Container()
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp.Data

namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
namespace FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
type internal Edmx1 =
  nested type SampleModel01

Full name: Edmx.Edmx1

<summary>Provides the types to access a database with the schema in an EDMX file, using a LINQ-to-Entities mapping</summary><param name='File'>The EDMX file containing the conceptual, storage and mapping schema descriptions</param><param name='ResolutionFolder'>The folder used to resolve relative file paths at compile-time (default: folder containing the project or script)</param>
type EdmxFile

Full name: FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.EdmxFile

<summary>Provides the types to access a database with the schema in an EDMX file, using a LINQ-to-Entities mapping</summary><param name='File'>The EDMX file containing the conceptual, storage and mapping schema descriptions</param><param name='ResolutionFolder'>The folder used to resolve relative file paths at compile-time (default: folder containing the project or script)</param>
val internal container : Edmx1.SampleModel01.SampleModel01Container

Full name: Edmx.container
type internal SampleModel01 =
  nested type Customers
  nested type Orders
  nested type Persons
  nested type SampleModel01Container

Full name: Edmx.Edmx1.SampleModel01
type internal SampleModel01Container =
  inherit ObjectContext
  interface IDisposable
  new : unit -> SampleModel01Container + 2 overloads
  member AddToOrders : orders: Orders -> unit
  member AddToPersons : persons: Persons -> unit
  member ColumnMapBuilder : CollectionColumnMap with get, set
  member CommandTimeout : Nullable<int> with get, set
  member Connection : DbConnection
  member ContextOptions : ObjectContextOptions
  member DefaultContainerName : string with get, set

Full name: Edmx.Edmx1.SampleModel01.SampleModel01Container
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