

Data that is passed as an argument to the Series type. For most of the types, we use one of the Data cases; Function is used when specifying function as a string. You do not need to create Data values directly. Instead, use Series.Line, Series.Points, etc. with the appropriate input type.

Union Cases

Union CaseDescription
DataTimeY(seq<DateTime * float>)
Signature: seq<DateTime * float>

Sequence of X and Y coordinates where the X is DateTime. The DateTime determines the position on the X axis. This cannot be mixed with the other Data type options such as DataXY.

DataXY(seq<float * float>)
Signature: seq<float * float>

Sequence of X and Y coordinates. The first element of the tuple is the X value, the second is the Y value

Signature: seq<float>

Sequence of numerical values. The index of an item is the X value, the number is the Y value

Signature: string

A string holding a function of X in the gnuplot format, e.g. sin(x). The range of X comes from the other Data series on the plot, or from the optional Range object.

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