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Fantomas ships with a limited series of options. These can be stored in an .editorconfig file and will be picked up automatically by the commandline.
Your IDE should respect your settings, however the implementation of that is editor specific. Setting the configuration via UI might be available depending on the IDE.

version: 7.0.1+6108fc41cf9ff49c9bd0f0059fc6b5fd2bc7974d


Inside .editorconfig you can specify the file extension and code location to be use per config:

fsharp_space_before_uppercase_invocation = true

# Write a comment by starting the line with a '#'
fsharp_bar_before_discriminated_union_declaration = true

# Apply specific settings for a targeted subfolder
fsharp_multiline_bracket_style = stroustrup

Trying your settings via the online tool

You can quickly try your settings via the online tool.


Settings recommendations

Fantomas ships with a series of settings that you can use freely depending on your case.
However, there are settings that we do not recommend and generally should not be used.

Safe to change: Settings that aren't attached to any guidelines. Depending on your team or your own preferences, feel free to change these as it's been agreed on the codebase, however, you can always use it's defaults.

Use with caution: Settings where it is not recommended to change the default value. They might lead to incomplete results.

Do not use: Settings that don't follow any guidelines.

G-Research: G-Research styling guide. If you use one of these, for consistency reasons you should use all of them.

Copy button: This copies the .editorconfig setting text you need to change the default. ⚠️ The copied text will not contain the default value.

Auxiliary settings


indent_size has to be between 1 and 10.

This preference sets the indentation The common values are 2 and 4.
The same indentation is ensured to be consistent in a source file.

# Default
indent_size = 4
    let inline selectRandom (f: _ []) =
      let r = random 1.0

      let rec find =
          | 0 -> fst f.[0]
          | n when r < snd f.[n] -> fst f.[n]
          | n -> find (n - 1)

      find <| f.Length - 1
indent_size = 2
let inline selectRandom (f: _[]) =
  let r = random 1.0

  let rec find =
    | 0 -> fst f.[0]
    | n when r < snd f.[n] -> fst f.[n]
    | n -> find (n - 1)

  find <| f.Length - 1


max_line_length has to be an integer greater or equal to 60.
This preference sets the column where we break F# constructs into new lines.

# Default
max_line_length = 120
    match myValue with
    | Some foo -> someLongFunctionNameThatWillTakeFooAndReturnsUnit foo
    | None -> printfn "nothing"
max_line_length = 60
match myValue with
| Some foo ->
    someLongFunctionNameThatWillTakeFooAndReturnsUnit foo
| None -> printfn "nothing"


end_of_line determines the newline character, lf will add \n where crlf will add \r\n.
cr is not supported by the F# language spec.
If not set by the user, the default value is determined by System.Environment.NewLine.


Adds a final newline character at the end of the file.
Why should text files end with a newline?

# Default
insert_final_newline = true
    let a = 42
insert_final_newline = false
let a = 42


Add a space after the name of a function and before the opening parenthesis of the first parameter.
This setting influences function definitions.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_parameter = true
   let value (a: int) = x
   let DumpTrace() = ()
fsharp_space_before_parameter = false
let value(a: int) = x
let DumpTrace() = ()


Add a space after the name of a lowercased function and before the opening parenthesis of the first argument.
This setting influences function invocation in expressions and patterns.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_lowercase_invocation = true
value (a, b)
startTimer ()

match x with
| value (a, b) -> ()
fsharp_space_before_lowercase_invocation = false
value(a, b)

match x with
| value(a, b) -> ()


Add a space after the name of a uppercase function and before the opening parenthesis of the first argument.
This setting influences function invocation in expressions and patterns.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_uppercase_invocation = false
Value(a, b)

match x with
| Value(a, b) -> ()
fsharp_space_before_uppercase_invocation = true
Value (a, b)
person.ToString ()

match x with
| Value (a, b) -> ()


Add a space after a type name and before the class constructor.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_class_constructor = false
    type Person() =
fsharp_space_before_class_constructor = true
type Person () = class end


Add a space after a member name and before the opening parenthesis of the first parameter.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_member = false
    type Person() =
        member this.Walk(distance: int) = ()
        member this.Sleep() = ignore
        member __.singAlong() = ()
        member __.swim(duration: TimeSpan) = ()
fsharp_space_before_member = true
type Person() =
    member this.Walk (distance: int) = ()
    member this.Sleep () = ignore
    member __.singAlong () = ()
    member __.swim (duration: TimeSpan) = ()


Add a space before :. Please note that not every : is controlled by this setting.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_colon = false
   type Point = { x: int; y: int }
   let myValue: int = 42
   let update (msg: Msg) (model: Model) : Model = model
fsharp_space_before_colon = true
type Point = { x : int; y : int }
let myValue : int = 42
let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) : Model = model


Adds a space after , in tuples.

# Default
fsharp_space_after_comma = true
    myValue.SomeFunction(foo, bar, somethingElse)
    (a, b, c)
fsharp_space_after_comma = false


Adds a space before ; in records, arrays, lists, etc.

# Default
fsharp_space_before_semicolon = false
    let a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]
    let b = [| foo ; bar |]
    type C = { X: int ; Y: int }
fsharp_space_before_semicolon = true
let a = [ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]
let b = [| foo ; bar |]
type C = { X: int ; Y: int }


Adds a space after ; in records, arrays, lists, etc.

# Default
fsharp_space_after_semicolon = true
    let a = [ 1; 2; 3 ]
    let b = [| foo; bar |]
    type C = { X: int; Y: int }
fsharp_space_after_semicolon = false
let a = [ 1;2;3 ]
let b = [| foo;bar |]
type C = { X: int;Y: int }


Adds a space around delimiters like [,[|,{`.

# Default
fsharp_space_around_delimiter = true
    let a = [ 1;2;3 ]
    let b = [| 4;5;6 |]
fsharp_space_around_delimiter = false
let a = [1; 2; 3]
let b = [|4; 5; 6|]

Maximum width constraints

Settings that control the max width of certain expressions.


Control the maximum length for which if/then expression without an else expression can be on one line.
The Microsoft F# style guide recommends to never write such an expression in one line.

If the else expression is absent, it is recommended to never to write the entire expression in one line.

# Default
fsharp_max_if_then_short_width = 0
    if a then 
fsharp_max_if_then_short_width = 15
if a then ()


Fantomas by default follows the if/then/else conventions listed in the Microsoft F# style guide.
This setting facilitates this by determining the maximum character width where the if/then/else expression stays in one line.

# Default
fsharp_max_if_then_else_short_width = 60
    if myCheck then truth else bogus
fsharp_max_if_then_else_short_width = 10
if myCheck then


Control the maximum length for which infix expression can be on one line.

# Default
fsharp_max_infix_operator_expression = 80
    let WebApp =
        route "/ping" >=> authorized >=> text "pong"
fsharp_max_infix_operator_expression = 20
let WebApp =
    route "/ping"
    >=> authorized
    >=> text "pong"


Control the maximum width for which records should be in one line.

Requires fsharp_record_multiline_formatter to be character_width to take effect.

# Default
fsharp_max_record_width = 40
    type MyRecord = { X: int; Y: int; Length: int }
    let myInstance = { X = 10; Y = 20; Length = 90 }
fsharp_max_record_width = 20
type MyRecord =
    { X: int
      Y: int
      Length: int }

let myInstance =
    { X = 10
      Y = 20
      Length = 90 }


Control the maximum number of fields for which records should be in one line.

Requires fsharp_record_multiline_formatter to be number_of_items to take effect.

# Default
fsharp_max_record_number_of_items = 1
    type R = { x: int }

    type S = { x: int; y: string }

    type T = { x: int; y: string; z: float }

    let myRecord = { r = 3 }

    let myRecord' = { r with x = 3 }

    let myRecord'' = { r with x = 3; y = "hello" }

    let myRecord''' = { r with x = 3; y = "hello"; z = 0.0 }
fsharp_record_multiline_formatter = number_of_items
fsharp_max_record_number_of_items = 2
type R = { x: int }

type S = { x: int; y: string }

type T =
    { x: int
      y: string
      z: float }

let myRecord = { r = 3 }

let myRecord' = { r with x = 3 }

let myRecord'' = { r with x = 3; y = "hello" }

let myRecord''' =
    { r with
        x = 3
        y = "hello"
        z = 0.0 }


Split records expressions/statements into multiple lines based on the given condition.
character_width uses character count of the expression, controlled by fsharp_max_record_width.
number_of_items uses the number of fields in the record, controlled by fsharp_max_record_number_of_items.

Note that in either case, record expressions/statements are still governed by max_line_length.

# Default
fsharp_record_multiline_formatter = character_width
    type R = { x: int }

    type S = { x: int; y: string }

    let myRecord = { r = 3 }

    let myRecord' = { r with x = 3 }

    let myRecord'' = { r with x = 3; y = "hello" }
fsharp_record_multiline_formatter = number_of_items
type R = { x: int }

type S =
    { x: int
      y: string }

let myRecord = { r = 3 }

let myRecord' = { r with x = 3 }

let myRecord'' =
    { r with
        x = 3
        y = "hello" }


Control the maximum width for which lists and arrays can be in one line.

Requires fsharp_array_or_list_multiline_formatter to be character_width to take effect

# Default
fsharp_max_array_or_list_width = 80
    let myArray = [| one; two; three |]
fsharp_max_array_or_list_width = 20
let myArray =
    [| one
       three |]


Control the maximum number of elements for which lists and arrays can be in one line.

Requires fsharp_array_or_list_multiline_formatter to be number_of_items to take effect.

# Default
fsharp_max_array_or_list_number_of_items = 1
    let myList = [ one; two ]
    let myArray = [| one; two; three |]
fsharp_array_or_list_multiline_formatter = number_of_items
fsharp_max_array_or_list_number_of_items = 2
let myList = [ one; two ]

let myArray =
    [| one
       three |]


Split arrays and lists into multiple lines based on the given condition.
character_width uses character count of the expression, controlled by fsharp_max_array_or_list_width.
number_of_items uses the number of elements in the array or list, controlled by fsharp_max_array_or_list_number_of_items.

Note that in either case, list expressions are still governed by max_line_length.

# Default
fsharp_array_or_list_multiline_formatter = character_width
    let myArray = [| one; two; three |]
fsharp_array_or_list_multiline_formatter = number_of_items
let myArray =
    [| one
       three |]


Control the maximum expression width for which let and member value/property bindings should be in one line.
The width is that of the pattern for the binding plus the right-hand expression but not the keywords (e.g. "let").

# Default
fsharp_max_value_binding_width = 80
    let title = "Great title of project"
    type MyType() =
        member this.HelpText = "Some help text"
fsharp_max_value_binding_width = 10
let title =
    "Great title of project"

type MyType() =
    member this.HelpText =
        "Some help text"


Control the maximum width for which function and member bindings should be in one line.
In contrast to fsharp_max_value_binding_width, only the right-hand side expression of the binding is measured.

# Default
fsharp_max_function_binding_width = 40
    let title = "Great title of project"
    type MyType() =
        member this.HelpText = "Some help text"
fsharp_max_function_binding_width = 10
let title = "Great title of project"

type MyType() =
    member this.HelpText = "Some help text"


Cramped The default way in F# to format brackets.
Aligned Alternative way of formatting records, arrays and lists. This will align the braces at the same column level.
Stroustrup Allow for easier reordering of members and keeping the code succinct.

# Default
fsharp_multiline_bracket_style = cramped
    let myRecord =
        { Level = 1
          Progress = "foo"
          Bar = "bar"
          Street = "Bakerstreet"
          Number = 42 }

    type Range =
        { From: float
          To: float
          FileName: string }

    let a =
        [| (1, 2, 3)
           (4, 5, 6)
           (7, 8, 9)
           (10, 11, 12)
           (13, 14, 15)
           (16, 17,18)
           (19, 20, 21) |]
fsharp_multiline_bracket_style = aligned
let myRecord =
        Level = 1
        Progress = "foo"
        Bar = "bar"
        Street = "Bakerstreet"
        Number = 42

type Range =
        From: float
        To: float
        FileName: string

let a =
        (1, 2, 3)
        (4, 5, 6)
        (7, 8, 9)
        (10, 11, 12)
        (13, 14, 15)
        (16, 17, 18)
        (19, 20, 21)
    let myRecord =
        { Level = 1
          Progress = "foo"
          Bar = "bar"
          Street = "Bakerstreet"
          Number = 42 }

    type Range =
        { From: float
          To: float
          FileName: string }

    let a =
        [| (1, 2, 3)
           (4, 5, 6)
           (7, 8, 9)
           (10, 11, 12)
           (13, 14, 15)
           (16, 17,18)
           (19, 20, 21) |]
fsharp_multiline_bracket_style = stroustrup
let myRecord = {
    Level = 1
    Progress = "foo"
    Bar = "bar"
    Street = "Bakerstreet"
    Number = 42

type Range = {
    From: float
    To: float
    FileName: string

let a = [|
    (1, 2, 3)
    (4, 5, 6)
    (7, 8, 9)
    (10, 11, 12)
    (13, 14, 15)
    (16, 17, 18)
    (19, 20, 21)


Insert a newline before a computation expression that spans multiple lines

# Default
fsharp_newline_before_multiline_computation_expression = true
    let something =
        task {
            let! thing = otherThing ()
            return 5
fsharp_newline_before_multiline_computation_expression = false
let something = task {
    let! thing = otherThing ()
    return 5

G-Research style

A series of settings requicolor="red" to conform with the G-Research style guide.
From a consistency point of view, it is recommend to enable all these settings instead of cherry-picking a few.


Adds a new line between a type definition and its first member.

# Default
fsharp_newline_between_type_definition_and_members = true
type Range =
    { From: float
      To: float }

    member this.Length = this.To - this.From
fsharp_newline_between_type_definition_and_members = false
type Range =
    { From: float
      To: float }

    member this.Length = this.To - this.From


When a function signature exceeds the max_line_length, Fantomas will put all parameters on separate lines.
This setting also places the equals sign and return type on a new line.

# Default
fsharp_align_function_signature_to_indentation = false
let run 
    ([<HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "{*any}")>] req: HttpRequest)
    (log: ILogger)
    : HttpResponse =
    Http.main CodeFormatter.GetVersion format FormatConfig.FormatConfig.Default log req
fsharp_align_function_signature_to_indentation = true
let run
    ([<HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "{*any}")>] req: HttpRequest)
    (log: ILogger)
    : HttpResponse
    Http.main CodeFormatter.GetVersion format FormatConfig.FormatConfig.Default log req


Provides an alternative way of formatting long member and constructor definitions, where the difference is mainly in the equal sign and returned type placement.

# Default
fsharp_alternative_long_member_definitions = false
type C
        aVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
        aSecondVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
        aThirdVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse
    ) =

type D() =
    member _.LongMethodWithLotsOfParameters
            aVeryLongParam: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aSecondVeryLongParam: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aThirdVeryLongParam: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse
        ) : ReturnType =

type E() =
            aVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aSecondVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aThirdVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse
        ) = E()
fsharp_alternative_long_member_definitions = true
type C
        aVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
        aSecondVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
        aThirdVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse
    = class end

type D() =
    member _.LongMethodWithLotsOfParameters
            aVeryLongParam: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aSecondVeryLongParam: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aThirdVeryLongParam: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse
        : ReturnType

type E() =
            aVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aSecondVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse,
            aThirdVeryLongType: AVeryLongTypeThatYouNeedToUse


Places the closing parenthesis of a multiline lambda argument on the next line.

# Default
fsharp_multi_line_lambda_closing_newline = false
let printListWithOffset a list1 =
        (fun { ItemOne = a } ->
            // print
            printfn "%s" a)

let printListWithOffset a list1 =
    |> List.iter
        (fun elem ->
            // print stuff
            printfn "%d" (a + elem))
fsharp_multi_line_lambda_closing_newline = true
let printListWithOffset a list1 =
        (fun { ItemOne = a } ->
            // print
            printfn "%s" a

let printListWithOffset a list1 =
    |> List.iter (fun elem ->
        // print stuff
        printfn "%d" (a + elem)


Breaks the normal indentation flow for the last branch of a pattern match or if/then/else expression.
Only when the last pattern match or else branch was already at the same level of the entire match or if expression.

This feature is experimental and is subject to change.

# Default
fsharp_experimental_keep_indent_in_branch = false
let main argv =
    let args = parse argv

    let instructions = Library.foo args

    if args.DryRun = RunMode.Dry then
        printfn "Would execute actions, but --dry-run was supplied: %+A" instructions

    // proceed with main method
    let output = Library.execute instructions
    // do more stuff
fsharp_experimental_keep_indent_in_branch = true
let main argv =
    let args = parse argv

    let instructions = Library.foo args

    if args.DryRun = RunMode.Dry then
        printfn "Would execute actions, but --dry-run was supplied: %+A" instructions

    // proceed with main method
    let output = Library.execute instructions
    // do more stuff


Always use a | before every case in the declaration of a discriminated union.
If false, a | character is used only in multiple-case discriminated unions, and is omitted in short single-case DUs.

# Default
fsharp_bar_before_discriminated_union_declaration = false
    type MyDU = Short of int
fsharp_bar_before_discriminated_union_declaration = true
type MyDU = | Short of int


Some additional settings that don't fit into any style guide.


Surround nested multi-line expressions with blank lines.
Existing blank lines are always preserved (via trivia), with exception when fsharp_keep_max_number_of_blank_lines is used.
Top level expressions will always follow the 2020 blank lines revision principle.

# Default
fsharp_blank_lines_around_nested_multiline_expressions = true
    let topLevelFunction () =
        printfn "Something to print"

                nothing ()
        | ex ->
            splash ()

    let secondTopLevelFunction () =
        // ...
fsharp_blank_lines_around_nested_multiline_expressions = false
let topLevelFunction () =
    printfn "Something to print"

        nothing ()
    with ex ->
        splash ()

let secondTopLevelFunction () =
    // ...


Set maximal number of consecutive blank lines to keep from original source. It doesn't change number of new blank lines generated by Fantomas.

# Default
fsharp_keep_max_number_of_blank_lines = 100
    open Foo

    let x = 42
fsharp_keep_max_number_of_blank_lines = 1
open Foo

let x = 42


Applies the Stroustrup style to the final (two) array or list argument(s) in a function application.
Note that this behaviour is also active when fsharp_multiline_bracket_style = stroustrup.

# Default
fsharp_experimental_elmish = false
let dualList =
            h1 [] [ str "Some title" ]
                    for p in model.Points do
                        li [] [ str $"%i{p.X}, %i{p.Y}" ]
            hr []

let singleList =
            Html.h1 [ str "Some title" ]
                    for p in model.Points do
                        Html.li [ str $"%i{p.X}, %i{p.Y}" ]
fsharp_experimental_elmish = true
let dualList =
    div [] [
        h1 [] [ str "Some title" ]
        ul [] [
            for p in model.Points do
                li [] [ str $"%i{p.X}, %i{p.Y}" ]
        hr []

let singleList =
    Html.div [
        Html.h1 [ str "Some title" ]
        Html.ul [
            for p in model.Points do
                Html.li [ str $"%i{p.X}, %i{p.Y}" ]
namespace System
namespace Fantomas
namespace Fantomas.Core
module EditorConfig from Fantomas
val formatCode: input: string -> settings: string -> unit
val input: string
val settings: string
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = String
val async: AsyncBuilder
val config: FormatConfig
val editorConfigProperties: Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<string,string>
String.Split([<ParamArray>] separator: char array) : string array
String.Split(separator: string array, options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: string, ?options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: char array, options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: char array, count: int) : string array
String.Split(separator: char, ?options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: string array, count: int, options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: string, count: int, ?options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: char array, count: int, options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
String.Split(separator: char, count: int, ?options: StringSplitOptions) : string array
[<Struct>] type StringSplitOptions = | None = 0 | RemoveEmptyEntries = 1 | TrimEntries = 2
<summary>Specifies options for applicable <see cref="Overload:System.String.Split" /> method overloads, such as whether to omit empty substrings from the returned array or trim whitespace from substrings.</summary>
field StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries: StringSplitOptions = 1
type Array = interface ICollection interface IEnumerable interface IList interface IStructuralComparable interface IStructuralEquatable interface ICloneable member Clone: unit -> obj member CopyTo: array: Array * index: int -> unit + 1 overload member GetEnumerator: unit -> IEnumerator member GetLength: dimension: int -> int ...
<summary>Provides methods for creating, manipulating, searching, and sorting arrays, thereby serving as the base class for all arrays in the common language runtime.</summary>
val choose: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> array: 'T array -> 'U array
val line: string
val parts: string array
field StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries: StringSplitOptions = 2
property Array.Length: int with get
<summary>Gets the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />.</summary>
<exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The array is multidimensional and contains more than <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue">Int32.MaxValue</see> elements.</exception>
<returns>The total number of elements in all the dimensions of the <see cref="T:System.Array" />; zero if there are no elements in the array.</returns>
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val readOnlyDict: keyValuePairs: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key,'Value> (requires equality)
val parseOptionsFromEditorConfig: fallbackConfig: FormatConfig -> editorConfigProperties: Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary<string,string> -> FormatConfig
type FormatConfig = { IndentSize: Num MaxLineLength: Num EndOfLine: EndOfLineStyle InsertFinalNewline: bool SpaceBeforeParameter: bool SpaceBeforeLowercaseInvocation: bool SpaceBeforeUppercaseInvocation: bool SpaceBeforeClassConstructor: bool SpaceBeforeMember: bool SpaceBeforeColon: bool ... } member Equals: FormatConfig * IEqualityComparer -> bool member IsStroustrupStyle: bool static member Default: FormatConfig
property FormatConfig.Default: FormatConfig with get
val result: FormatResult
type CodeFormatter = static member FormatASTAsync: ast: ParsedInput -> Async<string> + 2 overloads static member FormatDocumentAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string -> Async<FormatResult> + 2 overloads static member FormatOakAsync: oak: Oak -> Async<string> + 1 overload static member FormatSelectionAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string * selection: range -> Async<string * range> + 1 overload static member GetVersion: unit -> string static member IsValidFSharpCodeAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string -> Async<bool> static member MakePosition: line: int * column: int -> pos static member MakeRange: fileName: string * startLine: int * startCol: int * endLine: int * endCol: int -> range static member ParseAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string -> Async<(ParsedInput * string list) array> static member ParseOakAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string -> Async<(Oak * string list) array> ...
static member CodeFormatter.FormatDocumentAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string -> Async<FormatResult>
static member CodeFormatter.FormatDocumentAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string * config: FormatConfig -> Async<FormatResult>
static member CodeFormatter.FormatDocumentAsync: isSignature: bool * source: string * config: FormatConfig * cursor: Fantomas.FCS.Text.pos -> Async<FormatResult>
val printf: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
FormatResult.Code: string
<summary> Formatted code </summary>
Multiple items
module Async from Fantomas.Core

type Async = static member AsBeginEnd: computation: ('Arg -> Async<'T>) -> ('Arg * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * (IAsyncResult -> unit) static member AwaitEvent: event: IEvent<'Del,'T> * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate) static member AwaitIAsyncResult: iar: IAsyncResult * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member AwaitTask: task: Task<'T> -> Async<'T> + 1 overload static member AwaitWaitHandle: waitHandle: WaitHandle * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member CancelDefaultToken: unit -> unit static member Catch: computation: Async<'T> -> Async<Choice<'T,exn>> static member Choice: computations: Async<'T option> seq -> Async<'T option> static member FromBeginEnd: beginAction: (AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult) * endAction: (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> + 3 overloads static member FromContinuations: callback: (('T -> unit) * (exn -> unit) * (OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> unit) -> Async<'T> ...

type Async<'T>
static member Async.RunSynchronously: computation: Async<'T> * ?timeout: int * ?cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken -> 'T
static member CodeFormatter.GetVersion: unit -> string
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
FormatConfig.IndentSize: Num
val toEditorConfigName: value: char seq -> string
val nameof: 'T -> string
FormatConfig.MaxLineLength: Num
FormatConfig.InsertFinalNewline: bool
Boolean.ToString() : string
Boolean.ToString(provider: IFormatProvider) : string
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeParameter: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeLowercaseInvocation: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeUppercaseInvocation: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeClassConstructor: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeMember: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeColon: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceAfterComma: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceBeforeSemicolon: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceAfterSemicolon: bool
FormatConfig.SpaceAroundDelimiter: bool
FormatConfig.MaxIfThenShortWidth: Num
FormatConfig.MaxIfThenElseShortWidth: Num
FormatConfig.MaxInfixOperatorExpression: Num
FormatConfig.MaxRecordWidth: Num
FormatConfig.MaxRecordNumberOfItems: Num
FormatConfig.RecordMultilineFormatter: MultilineFormatterType
Multiple items
active recognizer MultilineFormatterType: string -> MultilineFormatterType option

type MultilineFormatterType = | CharacterWidth | NumberOfItems member Equals: MultilineFormatterType * IEqualityComparer -> bool static member OfConfigString: cfgString: string -> MultilineFormatterType option static member ToConfigString: cfg: MultilineFormatterType -> string
static member MultilineFormatterType.ToConfigString: cfg: MultilineFormatterType -> string
FormatConfig.MaxArrayOrListWidth: Num
FormatConfig.MaxArrayOrListNumberOfItems: Num
FormatConfig.ArrayOrListMultilineFormatter: MultilineFormatterType
FormatConfig.MaxValueBindingWidth: Num
FormatConfig.MaxFunctionBindingWidth: Num
FormatConfig.MultilineBracketStyle: MultilineBracketStyle
type MultilineBracketStyle = | Cramped | Aligned | Stroustrup member Equals: MultilineBracketStyle * IEqualityComparer -> bool static member OfConfigString: cfgString: string -> MultilineBracketStyle option static member ToConfigString: cfg: MultilineBracketStyle -> string
static member MultilineBracketStyle.ToConfigString: cfg: MultilineBracketStyle -> string
FormatConfig.NewlineBeforeMultilineComputationExpression: bool
FormatConfig.NewlineBetweenTypeDefinitionAndMembers: bool
FormatConfig.AlignFunctionSignatureToIndentation: bool
FormatConfig.AlternativeLongMemberDefinitions: bool
FormatConfig.MultiLineLambdaClosingNewline: bool
FormatConfig.ExperimentalKeepIndentInBranch: bool
FormatConfig.BarBeforeDiscriminatedUnionDeclaration: bool
FormatConfig.BlankLinesAroundNestedMultilineExpressions: bool
FormatConfig.KeepMaxNumberOfBlankLines: Num
FormatConfig.ExperimentalElmish: bool

Type something to start searching.