SynLongIdent Type
Represents a long identifier with possible '.' at end. Typically dotRanges.Length = lid.Length-1, but they may be same if (incomplete) code ends in a dot, e.g. "Foo.Bar." The dots mostly matter for parsing, and are typically ignored by the typechecker, but if dotRanges.Length = lid.Length, then the parser must have reported an error, so the typechecker is allowed more freedom about typechecking these expressions. LongIdent can be empty list - it is used to denote that name of some AST element is absent (i.e. empty type name in inherit)
Union cases
Union case |
Full Usage:
SynLongIdent(id, dotRanges, trivia)
dotRanges : range list
trivia : IdentTrivia option list
Instance members
Instance member |
Get the dot ranges
Get the idents with potential trivia attached
Get the long ident for this construct
Gets the syntax range of this construct
Gets the syntax range for part of this construct
Full Usage:
Returns: bool
Indicates if the construct ends in '.' due to error recovery
Get the trivia of the idents