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Internal.Utilities.Collections Namespace

Type/Module Description

AgedLookup<'Token, 'Key, 'Value>

 Simple aging lookup table. When a member is accessed it's
 moved to the top of the list and when there are too many elements
 the least-recently-accessed element falls of the end.

  - areSimilar: Keep at most once association for two similar keys (as given by areSimilar)

HashMultiMap<'Key, 'Value>

Hash tables, by default based on F# structural "hash" and (=) functions. The table may map a single key to multiple bindings.

MruCache<'Token, 'Key, 'Value>

 Simple priority caching for a small number of key/value associations.
 This cache may age-out results that have been Set by the caller.
 Because of this, the caller must be able to tolerate values
 that aren't what was originally passed to the Set function.

 Concurrency: This collection is thread-safe, though concurrent use may result in different
 threads seeing different live sets of cached items.

  - areSimilar: Keep at most once association for two similar keys (as given by areSimilar)


Zmap<'Key, 'T>

Maps with a specific comparison function



Sets with a specific comparison function

Type something to start searching.