

The Expecto library can be installed from NuGet:
PM> Install-Package Expecto

Expecto.Flip has a similar syntax to FsUnit.

Expecto is not part of FsUnit.


With Expecto.Flip you can write your unit tests like this:

open Expecto.Flip.Expect

One object equals or does not equal another:

1 |> equal "1 is equal to 1." 1
1 |> notEqual  "1 is not equal to 2." 2

One comparable value greater or smaller than another:

(11, 10) |> isGreaterThan "11 is greater than 10."
(10, 11) |> isLessThan "10 is less than 11."

& more operators:

true |> isTrue "Value is true."
false |> isFalse "Value is false."

"" |> isEmpty
"Foobar" |> isNotEmpty "Value is not empty."
None |> isNone "Value is None."

{1 .. 10} |> contains "Seq 1 to 10 contains 4." 4

All operators are listed here: Expecto.Flip.Expect

Union-Fall Option.None: Option<'T>
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