PM> Install-Package FsUnitSample FsUnit tests for NUnit can be installed from NuGet:
PM> Install-Package FsUnit.Sample
If you reference FsUnit
from NuGet
and want to use pretty-printed F# value types in error messages, you have to register custom values formatters.
Add following piece of code to your assembly to register formatter for namespace or entire assembly
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
type InitMsgUtils() =
inherit FSharpCustomMessageFormatter()
The OneTimeSetUp method in a SetUpFixture is executed once before any of the fixtures contained in its namespace. A SetUpFixture outside of any namespace provides SetUp and TearDown for the entire assembly.
In F# you can use namespace global to create InitMsgUtils
outside of any namespace.
As an alternative solution you can initialize FSharpCustomMessageFormatter
for single test fixture from your setup method:
open FsUnit
type MyTests () =
member __.setup () =
FSharpCustomMessageFormatter() |> ignore
module ``Project Euler - Problem 1`` =
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
let GetSumOfMultiplesOf3And5 max =
seq{3..max-1} |> Seq.fold(fun acc number ->
(if (number % 3 = 0 || number % 5 = 0) then
acc + number else acc)) 0
let ``When getting sum of multiples of 3 and 5 to a max number of 10 it should return a sum of 23`` () =
GetSumOfMultiplesOf3And5(10) |> should equal 23
module ``LightBulb Tests`` =
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
type LightBulb(state) =
member x.On = state
override x.ToString() =
match x.On with
| true -> "On"
| false -> "Off"
type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to true`` ()=
let lightBulb = new LightBulb(true)
[<Test>] member x.
``when I ask whether it is On it answers true.`` ()=
lightBulb.On |> should be True
[<Test>] member x.
``when I convert it to a string it becomes "On".`` ()=
string lightBulb |> should equal "On"
type ``Given a LightBulb that has had its state set to false`` ()=
let lightBulb = new LightBulb(false)
[<Test>] member x.
``when I ask whether it is On it answers false.`` ()=
lightBulb.On |> should be False
[<Test>] member x.
``when I convert it to a string it becomes "Off".`` ()=
string lightBulb |> should equal "Off"
Thanks to Keith Nicholas
and Julian
from hubFS for this example!
module ``BowlingGame A game of bowling`` =
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
let (|EndOfGame|IncompleteStrike|Strike|Normal|Other|) (l, frame) =
match l with
| _ when frame = 11 -> EndOfGame(0)
| [10;s] -> IncompleteStrike(10+s+s)
| 10::s::n::tail -> Strike(10+s+n, s::n::tail)
| f::s::n::tail when f+s = 10 -> Normal(f+s+n, n::tail)
| f::s::n::tail -> Normal(f+s, n::tail)
| ls -> Other(List.fold (+) 0 ls)
let scoreBowls bowls =
let rec scoreBowls' frame l current_score =
let nextframe = scoreBowls' (frame+1)
match (l, frame) with
| EndOfGame(score) -> current_score + score
| IncompleteStrike(score) -> current_score + score
| Strike(score, l) -> nextframe l (current_score + score)
| Normal(score, l) -> nextframe l (current_score + score)
| Other(score) -> current_score + score
scoreBowls' 1 bowls 0
let ``with simple scores should get the expected score.`` () =
scoreBowls [1;2;3] |> should equal 6
let ``with a spare should get the expected score (spare).`` () =
scoreBowls [2;8;1] |> should equal 12
let ``with a strike should get the expected score (strike).`` () =
scoreBowls [10;1;2] |> should equal 16
let ``that is perfect should get a score of 300.``() =
scoreBowls [for i in 1..18 -> 10] |> should equal 300
let ``with spares in the last frame should get the expected score (spare in last frame).`` () =
scoreBowls ([for i in 1..18 -> 0] @ [2;8;1]) |> should equal 11
let ``with a strike in the last frame should get the expected score (strike in last frame).`` () =
scoreBowls ([for i in 1..18 -> 0] @ [10;10;1]) |> should equal 21
let ``with double strikes should add the score of the first strike to the score of the second.`` () =
scoreBowls [10;10;1] |> should equal 33
let ``that looks like an average bowler's game should get the expected score (example game).`` () =
scoreBowls [1;4;4;5;6;4;5;5;10;0;1;7;3;6;4;10;2;8;6] |> should equal 133
Note: NUnit can also be utilized without specifying a type as in the examples for xUnit