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HttpStatusCodes Module

Status codes that can be received in an HTTP response

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: Accepted

Returns: int

The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.

Returns: int


Full Usage: AlreadyReported

Returns: int

The members of a DAV binding have already been enumerated in a preceding part of the (multistatus) response, and are not being included again.

Returns: int


Full Usage: BadGateway

Returns: int

The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.

Returns: int


Full Usage: BadRequest

Returns: int

The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Conflict

Returns: int

Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Continue

Returns: int

The server has received the request headers and the client should proceed to send the request body.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Created

Returns: int

The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.

Returns: int


Full Usage: EarlyHints

Returns: int

Used to return some response headers before final HTTP message.

Returns: int


Full Usage: ExpectationFailed

Returns: int

The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.

Returns: int


Full Usage: FailedDependency

Returns: int

The request failed because it depended on another request and that request failed (e.g., a PROPPATCH).

Returns: int


Full Usage: Forbidden

Returns: int

The request was valid, but the server is refusing action. The user might not have the necessary permissions for a resource, or may need an account of some sort.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Found

Returns: int

Tells the client to look at (browse to) another url. 302 has been superseded by 303 and 307.

Returns: int


Full Usage: GatewayTimeout

Returns: int

The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Gone

Returns: int

Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.

Returns: int


Full Usage: HTTPVersionNotSupported

Returns: int

The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: IMUsed

Returns: int

The server has fulfilled a request for the resource, and the response is a representation of the result of one or more instance-manipulations applied to the current instance.

Returns: int


Full Usage: InsufficientStorage

Returns: int

The server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: InternalServerError

Returns: int

A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.

Returns: int


Full Usage: LengthRequired

Returns: int

The request did not specify the length of its content, which is required by the requested resource.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Locked

Returns: int

The resource that is being accessed is locked.

Returns: int


Full Usage: LoopDetected

Returns: int

The server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: MethodNotAllowed

Returns: int

A request method is not supported for the requested resource.

Returns: int


Full Usage: MisdirectedRequest

Returns: int

The request was directed at a server that is not able to produce a response.

Returns: int


Full Usage: MovedPermanently

Returns: int

This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI.

Returns: int


Full Usage: MultiStatus

Returns: int

The message body that follows is by default an XML message and can contain a number of separate response codes, depending on how many sub-requests were made.

Returns: int


Full Usage: MultipleChoices

Returns: int

Indicates multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose (via agent-driven content negotiation).

Returns: int


Full Usage: NetworkAuthenticationRequired

Returns: int

The client needs to authenticate to gain network access.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NoContent

Returns: int

The server successfully processed the request and is not returning any content.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NonAuthoritativeInformation

Returns: int

The server is a transforming proxy (e.g. a Web accelerator) that received a 200 OK from its origin, but is returning a modified version of the origin's response.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NotAcceptable

Returns: int

The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NotExtended

Returns: int

Further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfil it.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NotFound

Returns: int

The requested resource could not be found but may be available in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NotImplemented

Returns: int

The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfil the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: NotModified

Returns: int

Indicates that the resource has not been modified since the version specified by the request headers If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match.

Returns: int


Full Usage: OK

Returns: int

Standard response for successful HTTP requests.

Returns: int


Full Usage: PartialContent

Returns: int

The server is delivering only part of the resource (byte serving) due to a range header sent by the client.

Returns: int


Full Usage: PayloadTooLarge

Returns: int

The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

Returns: int


Full Usage: PaymentRequired

Returns: int

Reserved for future use.

Returns: int


Full Usage: PermanentRedirect

Returns: int

The request and all future requests should be repeated using another URI.

Returns: int


Full Usage: PreconditionFailed

Returns: int

The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester put on the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: PreconditionRequired

Returns: int

The origin server requires the request to be conditional.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Processing

Returns: int

This code indicates that the server has received and is processing the request, but no response is available yet.

Returns: int


Full Usage: ProxyAuthenticationRequired

Returns: int

The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.

Returns: int


Full Usage: RangeNotSatisfiable

Returns: int

The client has asked for a portion of the file (byte serving), but the server cannot supply that portion.

Returns: int


Full Usage: RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge

Returns: int

The server is unwilling to process the request because either an individual header field, or all the header fields collectively, are too large.

Returns: int


Full Usage: RequestTimeout

Returns: int

The server timed out waiting for the request.

Returns: int


Full Usage: ResetContent

Returns: int

The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content.

Returns: int


Full Usage: SeeOther

Returns: int

The response to the request can be found under another URI using the GET method.

Returns: int


Full Usage: ServiceUnavailable

Returns: int

The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance).

Returns: int


Full Usage: SwitchProxy

Returns: int

No longer used. Originally meant "Subsequent requests should use the specified proxy."

Returns: int


Full Usage: SwitchingProtocols

Returns: int

The requester has asked the server to switch protocols and the server has agreed to do so.

Returns: int


Full Usage: TemporaryRedirect

Returns: int

In this case, the request should be repeated with another URI; however, future requests should still use the original URI.

Returns: int


Full Usage: TooManyRequests

Returns: int

The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

Returns: int


Full Usage: URITooLong

Returns: int

The URI provided was too long for the server to process.

Returns: int


Full Usage: Unauthorized

Returns: int

Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided.

Returns: int


Full Usage: UnavailableForLegalReasons

Returns: int

A server operator has received a legal demand to deny access to a resource or to a set of resources that includes the requested resource.

Returns: int


Full Usage: UnprocessableEntity

Returns: int

The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors.

Returns: int


Full Usage: UnsupportedMediaType

Returns: int

The request entity has a media type which the server or resource does not support.

Returns: int


Full Usage: UpgradeRequired

Returns: int

The client should switch to a different protocol such as TLS/1.0, given in the Upgrade header field.

Returns: int


Full Usage: UseProxy

Returns: int

The requested resource is available only through a proxy, the address for which is provided in the response.

Returns: int


Full Usage: VariantAlsoNegotiates

Returns: int

Transparent content negotiation for the request results in a circular reference.

Returns: int

Type something to start searching.