Converting between JSON and XML
This tutorial shows how to implement convert JSON document (represented using
the JsonValue type discussed in JSON parser article) to an
XML document (represented as XElement
) and the other way round.
This functionality is not directly available in the FSharp.Data package, but it can
be very easily implemented by recursively walking over the JSON (or XML) document.
If you want to use the JSON to/from XML conversion in your code, you can copy the source from GitHub and just include it in your project. If you use these functions often and would like to see them in the FSharp.Data package, please submit a feature request.
We will be using the LINQ to XML API (available in System.Xml.Linq.dll
) and the
JsonValue which is available in the FSharp.Data
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System.Xml.Linq
open FSharp.Data
In this script, we create a conversion that returns an easy to process value, but the conversion is not reversible (e.g. converting JSON to XML and then back to JSON will produce a different value).
Converting XML to JSON
Although XML and JSON are quite similar formats, there are a number of subtle differences. In particular, XML distinguishes between attributes and child elements. Moreover, all XML elements have a name, while JSON arrays or records are anonymous (but records have named fields). Consider, for example, the following XML:
The JSON that we produce will ignore the top-level element name (channel
). It produces
a record that contains a unique field for every attribute and the name of a child element.
If an element appears multiple times, it is turned into an array:
As you can see, the item
element has been automatically pluralized to items
and the
array contains two record values that consist of the value
The conversion function is a recursive function that takes an XElement
and produces
JsonValue. It builds JSON records (using JsonValue.Record
) and arrays (using
). All attribute values are turned into JsonValue.String
- the
sample does not implement a more sophisticated conversion that would turn numeric
attributes to a corresponding JSON type:
/// Creates a JSON representation of a XML element
let rec fromXml (xml: XElement) =
// Create a collection of key/value pairs for all attributes
let attrs =
[ for attr in xml.Attributes() -> (attr.Name.LocalName, JsonValue.String attr.Value) ]
// Function that turns a collection of XElement values
// into an array of JsonValue (using fromXml recursively)
let createArray xelems =
[| for xelem in xelems -> fromXml xelem |]
|> JsonValue.Array
// Group child elements by their name and then turn all single-
// element groups into a record (recursively) and all multi-
// element groups into a JSON array using createArray
let children =
|> Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x.Name.LocalName)
|> (fun (key, childs) ->
match Seq.toList childs with
| [ child ] -> key, fromXml child
| children -> key + "s", createArray children)
// Concatenate elements produced for child elements & attributes
Array.append (Array.ofList attrs) (Array.ofSeq children)
|> JsonValue.Record
Converting JSON to XML
When converting JSON value to XML, we fact the same mismatch. Consider the following JSON value:
The top-level record does not have a name, so our conversion produces a list of XObject
values that can be wrapped into an XElement
by the user (who has to specify the root
name). Record fields that are a primitive value are turned into attributes, while
complex values (array or record) become objects:
The conversion function is, again, implemented as a recursive function. This time, we use
pattern matching to distinguish between the different possible cases of JsonValue.
The cases representing a primitive value simply return the value as obj
, while array
and record construct nested element(s) or attribute:
/// Creates an XML representation of a JSON value (works
/// only when the top-level value is an object or an array)
let toXml (x: JsonValue) =
// Helper functions for constructing XML
// attributes and XML elements
let attr name value =
XAttribute(XName.Get name, value) :> XObject
let elem name (value: obj) =
XElement(XName.Get name, value) :> XObject
// Inner recursive function that implements the conversion
let rec toXml =
// Primitive values are returned as objects
| JsonValue.Null -> null
| JsonValue.Boolean b -> b :> obj
| JsonValue.Number number -> number :> obj
| JsonValue.Float number -> number :> obj
| JsonValue.String s -> s :> obj
// JSON object becomes a collection of XML
// attributes (for primitives) or child elements
| JsonValue.Record properties ->
|> (fun (key, value) ->
match value with
| JsonValue.String s -> attr key s
| JsonValue.Boolean b -> attr key b
| JsonValue.Number n -> attr key n
| JsonValue.Float n -> attr key n
| _ -> elem key (toXml value))
:> obj
// JSON array is turned into a
// sequence of <item> elements
| JsonValue.Array elements ->
|> (fun item -> elem "item" (toXml item))
:> obj
// Perform the conversion and cast the result to sequence
// of objects (may fail for unexpected inputs!)
(toXml x) :?> XObject seq
Related articles
- API Reference: JsonValue
JSON Parser - a tutorial that introduces
for working with JSON values dynamically. - JSON Type Provider - discusses F# type provider that provides type-safe access to JSON data.
- XML Type Provider - discusses the F# type provider that provides type-safe access to XML data.
namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Data
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
Creates a JSON representation of a XML element
type XElement = inherit XContainer interface IXmlSerializable new: other: XElement -> unit + 4 overloads member AncestorsAndSelf: unit -> IEnumerable<XElement> + 1 overload member Attribute: name: XName -> XAttribute member Attributes: unit -> IEnumerable<XAttribute> + 1 overload member DescendantNodesAndSelf: unit -> IEnumerable<XNode> member DescendantsAndSelf: unit -> IEnumerable<XElement> + 1 overload member GetDefaultNamespace: unit -> XNamespace member GetNamespaceOfPrefix: prefix: string -> XNamespace ...
<summary>Represents an XML element. See XElement Class Overview and the Remarks section on this page for usage information and examples.</summary>
XElement(other: XElement) : XElement
XElement(name: XName) : XElement
XElement(other: XStreamingElement) : XElement
XElement(name: XName, content: obj) : XElement
XElement(name: XName, [<System.ParamArray>] content: obj array) : XElement
XElement.Attributes(name: XName) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<XAttribute>
<summary>Gets the expanded name of this attribute.</summary>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XName" /> containing the name of this attribute.</returns>
<summary>Gets the local (unqualified) part of the name.</summary>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that contains the local (unqualified) part of the name.</returns>
<summary> Represents a JSON value. Large numbers that do not fit in the Decimal type are represented using the Float case, while smaller numbers are represented as decimals to avoid precision loss. </summary>
<summary>Gets or sets the value of this attribute.</summary>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">When setting, the <paramref name="value" /> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
<returns>A <see cref="T:System.String" /> containing the value of this attribute.</returns>
XContainer.Elements(name: XName) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<XElement>
<summary>Gets or sets the name of this element.</summary>
<returns>An <see cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XName" /> that contains the name of this element.</returns>
Creates an XML representation of a JSON value (works
only when the top-level value is an object or an array)
type XAttribute = inherit XObject new: other: XAttribute -> unit + 1 overload member Remove: unit -> unit member SetValue: value: obj -> unit member ToString: unit -> string static member op_Explicit: attribute: XAttribute -> bool + 24 overloads member IsNamespaceDeclaration: bool member Name: XName member NextAttribute: XAttribute member NodeType: XmlNodeType ...
<summary>Represents an XML attribute.</summary>
XAttribute(other: XAttribute) : XAttribute
XAttribute(name: XName, value: obj) : XAttribute
<summary>Represents a name of an XML element or attribute.</summary>
XName.Get(localName: string, namespaceName: string) : XName
<summary>Represents a node or an attribute in an XML tree.</summary>
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq
type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>