The culture used for parsing numbers and dates. Defaults to the invariant culture.
When specified, the type provider first attempts to load the sample from the specified resource
(e.g. 'MyCompany.MyAssembly, resource_name.xml'). This is useful when exposing types generated by the type provider.
The encoding used to read the sample. You can specify either the character set name or the codepage number. Defaults to UTF8 for files, and to ISO-8859-1 the for HTTP requests, unless charset is specified in the Content-Type response header.
If true, the inference unifies all XML elements with the same name.
This parameter is deprecated. Please use InferenceMode instead.
If true, turns on additional type inference from values.
(e.g. type inference infers string values such as "123" as ints and values constrained to 0 and 1 as booleans. The XmlProvider also infers string values as JSON.)
Possible values:
| NoInference -> Inference is disabled. All values are inferred as the most basic type permitted for the value (usually string).
| ValuesOnly -> Types of values are inferred from the Sample. Inline schema support is disabled. This is the default.
| ValuesAndInlineSchemasHints -> Types of values are inferred from both values and inline schemas. Inline schemas are special string values that can define a type and/or unit of measure. Supported syntax: typeof or typeof{type} or typeof> or typeof{type{measure}}. Valid measures are the default SI units, and valid types are int, int64, bool, float, decimal, date, datetimeoffset, timespan, guid and string.
| ValuesAndInlineSchemasOverrides -> Same as ValuesAndInlineSchemasHints, but value inferred types are ignored when an inline schema is present.
Note inline schemas are not used from Xsd documents.
A directory that is used when resolving relative file references (at design time and in hosted execution).
Location of a XML sample file or a string containing a sample XML document.
If true, the children of the root in the sample document represent individual samples for the inference.
Location of a schema file or a string containing xsd.