Position Type
Position information stored for lexing tokens
Record fields
Record Field |
Full Usage:
Field type: int
The character number in the input stream.
Full Usage:
Field type: int
The file index for the file associated with the input stream, use
Full Usage:
Field type: int
The line number in the input stream, assuming fresh positions have been updated for the new line by modifying the EndPos property of the LexBuffer.
Full Usage:
Field type: int
The line number for the position in the input stream, assuming fresh positions have been updated using for the new line.
Full Usage:
Field type: int
Return absolute offset of the start of the line marked by the position.
Instance members
Instance member |
Full Usage:
Returns: int
Return the column number marked by the position,
i.e. the difference between the
Same line, column -1.
Given a position at the start of a token of length n, return a position just beyond the end of the token.
Given a position just beyond the end of a line, return a position at the start of the next line.