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ApiDocAttribute Type

Represents a custom attribute attached to source code


Constructor Description

ApiDocAttribute(name, fullName, constructorArguments, namedConstructorArguments)

Full Usage: ApiDocAttribute(name, fullName, constructorArguments, namedConstructorArguments)

    name : string
    fullName : string
    constructorArguments : obj list
    namedConstructorArguments : (string * obj) list

Returns: ApiDocAttribute
name : string
fullName : string
constructorArguments : obj list
namedConstructorArguments : (string * obj) list
Returns: ApiDocAttribute

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.ConstructorArguments

Returns: obj list

The arguments to the constructor for the attribute

Returns: obj list


Full Usage: this.CustomOperationName

Returns: string

Returns the custom operation name, when this attribute is the CustomOperationAttribute. When its not an empty string is returned

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.Format

Returns: string

Formats the attribute using the Name. Removes the "Attribute"-suffix. E.g Obsolete

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.FormatFullName

Returns: string

Formats the attribute using the FullName. Removes the "Attribute"-suffix. E.g System.Obsolete

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.FormatFullNameLongForm

Returns: string

Formats the attribute using the FullName. Keeps the "Attribute"-suffix. E.g System.ObsoleteAttribute

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.FormatLongForm

Returns: string

Formats the attribute using the Name. Keeps the "Attribute"-suffix. E.g ObsoleteAttribute

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.FullName

Returns: string

The qualified name of the attribute

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.IsCustomOperationAttribute

Returns: bool

Gets a value indicating whether this attribute the CustomOperationAttribute

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsObsoleteAttribute

Returns: bool

Gets a value indicating whether this attribute is System.ObsoleteAttribute

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsRequireQualifiedAccessAttribute

Returns: bool

Gets a value indicating whether this attribute is RequireQualifiedAccessAttribute

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Name

Returns: string

The name of the attribute

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.NamedConstructorArguments

Returns: (string * obj) list

The named arguments for the attribute

Returns: (string * obj) list


Full Usage: this.ObsoleteMessage

Returns: string

Returns the obsolete message, when this attribute is the System.ObsoleteAttribute. When its not or no message was specified, an empty string is returned

Returns: string

Type something to start searching.