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ApiDocComment Type

Represents a documentation comment attached to source code


Constructor Description

ApiDocComment(xmldoc, summary, remarks, parameters, returns, examples, notes, exceptions, rawData)

Full Usage: ApiDocComment(xmldoc, summary, remarks, parameters, returns, examples, notes, exceptions, rawData)

Returns: ApiDocComment
xmldoc : XElement option
summary : ApiDocHtml
remarks : ApiDocHtml option
parameters : (string * ApiDocHtml) list
returns : ApiDocHtml option
examples : ApiDocHtml list
notes : ApiDocHtml list
exceptions : (string * string option * ApiDocHtml) list
rawData : KeyValuePair<string, string> list
Returns: ApiDocComment

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Examples

Returns: ApiDocHtml list

The examples sections of the comment

Returns: ApiDocHtml list


Full Usage: this.Exceptions

Returns: (string * string option * ApiDocHtml) list

The notes sections of the comment

Returns: (string * string option * ApiDocHtml) list


Full Usage: this.Notes

Returns: ApiDocHtml list

The notes sections of the comment

Returns: ApiDocHtml list


Full Usage: this.Parameters

Returns: (string * ApiDocHtml) list

The param sections of the comment

Returns: (string * ApiDocHtml) list


Full Usage: this.RawData

Returns: KeyValuePair<string, string> list

The raw data of the comment

Returns: KeyValuePair<string, string> list


Full Usage: this.Remarks

Returns: ApiDocHtml option

The remarks html for comment

Returns: ApiDocHtml option


Full Usage: this.Returns

Returns: ApiDocHtml option

The return sections of the comment

Returns: ApiDocHtml option


Full Usage: this.Summary

Returns: ApiDocHtml

The summary for the comment

Returns: ApiDocHtml


Full Usage: this.Xml

Returns: XElement option

The XElement for the XML doc if available

Returns: XElement option

Type something to start searching.