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FsiEvaluator Type

A wrapper for F# interactive service that is used to evaluate inline snippets


Constructor Description

FsiEvaluator(?options, ?fsiObj, ?addHtmlPrinter, ?discardStdOut, ?disableFsiObj, ?onError)

Full Usage: FsiEvaluator(?options, ?fsiObj, ?addHtmlPrinter, ?discardStdOut, ?disableFsiObj, ?onError)

    ?options : string array
    ?fsiObj : obj
    ?addHtmlPrinter : bool
    ?discardStdOut : bool
    ?disableFsiObj : bool
    ?onError : string -> unit

Returns: FsiEvaluator
?options : string array
?fsiObj : obj
?addHtmlPrinter : bool
?discardStdOut : bool
?disableFsiObj : bool
?onError : string -> unit
Returns: FsiEvaluator

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.EvaluationFailed

Returns: IEvent<FsiEvaluationFailedInfo>

This event is fired whenever an evaluation of an expression fails

Returns: IEvent<FsiEvaluationFailedInfo>


Full Usage: this.RegisterTransformation


Register a function that formats (some) values that are produced by the evaluator. The specified function should return 'Some' when it knows how to format a value and it should return formatted

f : obj * Type * int -> MarkdownParagraph list option

Type something to start searching.