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LiterateCodeOptions Type

Additional properties of a literate code snippet, embedded in a LiterateParagraph.LiterateCode. The properties specify how should a snippet be evaluated and formatted.

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: Evaluate

Field type: bool

Specifies whether the snippet is evalauted while processing Use (*** do-not-eval ***) command to set this to false

Field type: bool


Full Usage: ExecutionCount

Field type: int option

Indiciates the execution sequence number of the cell if it has been evaluated

Field type: int option


Full Usage: OutputName

Field type: string

Specifies the name of the output produced by this snippet Use the (*** define-output:foo ***) command to set this value Other outputs are named cell1, cell2 etc.

Field type: string


Full Usage: Visibility

Field type: LiterateCodeVisibility

Specifies the visibility of the snippet in the generated HTML

Field type: LiterateCodeVisibility

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