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MarkdownDocument Type

Representation of a Markdown document - the representation of Paragraphs uses an F# discriminated union type and so is best used from F#.


Constructor Description

MarkdownDocument(paragraphs, links)

Full Usage: MarkdownDocument(paragraphs, links)

Returns: MarkdownDocument
paragraphs : MarkdownParagraphs
links : IDictionary<string, (string * string option)>
Returns: MarkdownDocument

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.DefinedLinks

Returns: IDictionary<string, (string * string option)>

Returns a dictionary containing explicitly defined links

Returns: IDictionary<string, (string * string option)>


Full Usage: this.Paragraphs

Returns: MarkdownParagraphs

Returns a list of paragraphs in the document

Returns: MarkdownParagraphs

Type something to start searching.